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Monday, October 3, 2016

Who You Gonna Sue?

I didn't hear about that suing the Saudis bill until after the fact, and I don't know a lot about it. Is there any evidence that the Saudi government had anything to do with 9-11? I understand that Bin Laden and some of the hijackers were Saudis, but they were working out of Afghanistan. Be that as it may, I'm pretty sure that all the perpetrators of 9-11 are dead by now. You can't sue dead people, can you? It also seems that 15 years is a long time to wait to file a lawsuit. Don't they have a statute of limitations on those things? It sounds like our esteemed congress persons were just trying to make some political hay and ended up with a pitchfork up their ass. It's like we used to say in the paper mill, "When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that your original intention was merely to drain the swamp."

I agree that we shouldn't need role models at our age. We should be role models at our age, but I hope that Ken was kidding when he proposed to make The Beaglesonian Institute required reading. Remember the stuff we were required to read in school? Did we like it? Actually, I did like some of it, but I never claimed to be normal. And we certainly don't need no stinking stipend! How can we maintain our journalistic independence if we're being subsidized by Uncle Sam? If you want to be beholding to people who give you money, maybe you should run for congress yourself.

Old Dog, I seem to remember that it was the U.S. Supreme Court who settled that hanging chad issue. The recount was bogging down and Inauguration Day was fast approaching, somebody had to do something. I think they did complete the recount later, and Bush still won by the electoral vote, but not by the popular vote.

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