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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sizing it up

Being "the second largest congressional district east of the Mississippi" is a dubious distinction.  Since congressional districts all have roughly the same population (700,00), being second largest means that it is the second least densely populated district east of the Mississippi.  Maine's 2nd congressional district is the largest, but only 24th largest overall.

I can only speculate about low population density and receipt of funds from the Feds.  Fewer dollars per square mile must mean something, but I don't know how those federal tax dollars are allocated.  Maybe nobody ends up getting anything and the feds fritter away the dough on more important things.


Sunday's presidential debate might be worth viewing as it is using the town hall format, something Mr. Turgid Twatwaffle is unfamiliar with.  The audience is to be comprised of undecided voters, selected by our good friends at Gallup, and who knows what the hell those people will ask?  I expect a lot of uncomfortable squirming and higher levels of mendacity from a certain individual, which may prove more entertaining than my usual Sunday night viewing fare of Columbo.


Ignoring polling for the moment, I've decided that if the election were held today the Big Girl wins.  This conclusion is based on the number and quality of endorsements as shown on the Wikipedia pages.  I was surprised at the number of Republicans that support her, and it amuses me that the only newspaper/magazine endorsement for the Yammering Yam is from the National Enquirer.

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