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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Clarity of choice

Another debate tonight, eh?  I'll have to find another diversion and read about their antics at a later.time.  The veep candidates seem evenly matched although Pence seems to be getting more negative press, especially regarding women's issues.

During the last debate I watched The Candidate, starring Robert Redford.  An okay movie, dealing with some issues that are still with us today, but it didn't age that well.  It may have been significant decades ago but now it is an amusing trifle.

A better movie, I thought, was Best of Enemies (2015), a documentary about the relationship between William F. Buckley Jr. and Gore Vidal during the 1968 political conventions.  Those guys absolutely loathed each other, yet they could sit side by side and speak in measured tones while they tried to eviscerate each other on live TV, smiling all the while.  No shouting, very few interruptions, but once in a while they raised their voices a bit.  You will not see that high level of verbal discourse today.


Contrary to Uncle Ken's implication that, regarding the Twatwaffle's tax returns, I am familiar with the dark web my source was the New York Times.  A reporter there had an interview with the former wife, picking her brain trying to get some dirt, but she was tight lipped and wouldn't spill any beans.  There are non-disclosure agreements, you see. But a few days later an envelope appears in her mailbox at work, with a Trump Tower return address, and she connected a few dots.

There seem to be an awful lot of non-disclosure agreements with any transactions with a certain someone, and I wonder why.  People involved with The Apprentice have come forward about his sleazy behavior, but only anonymously, for fear of legal reprisals.

I understand the need for such agreements when they involve trade secrets and proprietary knowledge, but a TV show or real estate deals or low level employment at a hotel?  Such pro-active efforts to cover one's ass seem fishy to me, as if there is something definitely wrong about these transactions and you'll keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you.  As soon as a federal judge nullifies those agreements, if legally possible, all bets are off.  Can't wait to see that.


Any comments about the recent Frontline episode The Choice on PBS?  I thought it was pretty even-handed, almost mild, and could have dug a lot deeper, with a lot more dirt on both sides. 

Which reminds me; we have, in the past, discussed lying vs. bullshit, and it bears repeating.  Link upon request:

In other words, it's not a lie if you don't know whether it's true or not when you say it....This distinction was the crux of Harry Frankfurt's book "On Bullshit," which sought to give useful definition to a crude word. Whereas a lie cares about the truth, bullshit is indifferent to the truth, and often plainly ignorant of it....Lies honor the underlying truth and the picture of reality that facts describe. Bullshit does neither, and is far more dangerous.

So, one candidate is a liar and one is a bullshitter.  The choice is clear.

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