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Friday, October 7, 2016

voting for Jill Stein

Oh fer Chrissake Old Dog, it is am analogy, not a story.  And it's also kind of a trope like the guy on the desert island with one palm tree, or the guy in cement shoes on the pier with the two gangsters.  Nobody wondered how Nicki Minaj got into the Goddamn canoe.  I was aware that generally when two rivers fork they are both flowing into one river, but I just wanted to get my point across and continue on to speak of relativity.  But there are times when there is like a small island in the middle of a river, and like as not there could be rapids on either side.

I don't think Sarah originated the term lame stream media, merely popularized it.  I think it's just too clever for her tiny brain.  I think what it means to her ilk is the tv networks and the big city newspapers, except the real conservative ones.  More generally it means anybody who says anything they don't like.  There's a yuge right wing media thing going on, but they like to think of themselves as victims, Like those little mousy early mammals skittering between the legs of the reptilian NBC and New York Times.  And yes, I know that dinosaurs weren't reptiles.

My mistake on Topeka/Toledo, just another example of us big city types being ignorant of the rest of the country.  I was going to say what's the difference, but wiki tells me that while Topeka has 127,000, Toledo has 300,000.  That's a pretty good size. Approximately the same population as the upper peninsula.  But the upper peninsula also has a shitload of trees, so I guess that is one that the wolverines put over on the buckeyes.

I was doing some thinking on this throwing your vote away thing, and I was reminded of when the republican race was Dumbo vs Lyin' Ted.  That was one time when Dumbo didn't look so bad, he had the virtue of at least being inconsistent whereas Cruz was pure evil.  Of course we democrats are far too savvy to ever fall for his crapola, but just as I can make rivers run backwards and slip Nicki into your canoe, let's say Dumbo landed the dem nomination and it was him against Cruz.  I guess I might be voting for that Stein woman.  At least she knows where Aleppo is and who is running North Korea.  I think.

The thing about that zigzag is that no matter where you are the speed of light will be constant.  If you flip on your flashlight at the same time as the midnight special rushes through, the light from your flashlight will reach yonder water tower at the same time as the light from the locomotive, and it will look the same to the engineer.  Blah blah blah. Therefore the speed of light is as fast as you can go.  Blah blah blah.  Therefore matter and energy are just different sides of the same coin.  Blah blah blah.  Therefore E = MC2.  That's all in the special theory of relativity.  The general theory is where space is curved by mass, the one with the marbles and bowling balls on rubber sheets.  Speaking of which we just detected gravity waves.  I think I will hoist one tonight for that fact.  Oh, and one for the Cubs, and if Nicki Minaj waddles in with her fake butt, I will tell her to paddle her own canoe.

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