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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Bumping off Trump

Dumbo knew the mike was on.  He didn't care, how could anything coming out of his mouth be bad?  Wasn't he God's gift to women?  They should be grateful for any attention he gave them.  I don't spend a lot of time in locker rooms, but there are plenty of times when it's just us guys, and plenty of times when some of the guys are assholes and I've never heard anything like that.

And how about that Billy Bush?  What a sycophant, following Dumbo around with his tongue hanging out.  Surprised it took them so long to fire him.

Who believed that the white house tapes were under the control of somebody besides Dick?  It sounds like Beagles was still in his Bircher days.

Believe Uncle Ken, Trump is just a big fucking asshole.  Doesn't everything he has done back that up?  You know I almost feel sorry for the Republicans, it's not really their fault, although I think coddling the likes of Sarah and the tea partiers helped pave the way, But Trump may have happened anyway.  And certainly they passed on the chance to slap him down early on, but nobody, myself included, thought he had a snowball's chance.  And now Dumbo is riding the elephant, and he doesn't give a shit about the health of the beast, and the reps are stuck.  If they denounce Trump, they will lose the support of his people and the dems will tar them with the Trunp brush anyway.

When Christianity was finally championed by Constantine there was some talk among the Christians about whether those who had gone along to get along should be kicked out of the church.  I wonder if the reps will boot the Trumpists.  Probably not, there are too many of them.

And there has been some talk from Cruz about why are these revelations coming out now, specifically he is wondering why they didn't come out when he was mano a mano with Trump, specifically did the dems hold back then so that they could face the easier to beat Dumbo.  I don't know that Lyin' Ted looked harder to beat than Trump at the time.

Just a digression.  How come Trump has no universally accepted sobriquet?  We have used several at the Institute and not one has managed to stick, likewise the lame stream press.  The Foxies have been using The Donald and Mr Trump.  Mr Trump, like they are first and foremost toadies and they want the world to know it.

I don't think we know what role, if any, the dems had in leaking the video, or in sending those pages of his tax return, and why only those pages.  I expect we will find out when the hurly burly of the campaign dies down.

Yon Pence does not have a lean and hungry look, indeed he is something of a schmo, but next to Dumbo he looks like a noble statesman.  There has been some talk about somehow slipping Pence in for Trump, nothing easy, but at this point what do the reps have to lose?  I'm thinking of some kind of palace coup, but as long as we are speaking of Cassius, I wonder what would happen if something bad should happen to Mr Trump.

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