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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another round

Reading a book or magazine on a bus/train almost seems like a quaint notion these days; usually most folks are staring at or fiddling with some handheld device.  Wearing headphones sends the message that they want to be left alone in their reveries.  Spontaneous conversations seem to be less frequent although they do happen once in a while; it's something I've observed but not studied at length.  My guess is that some people score higher on the affability index than others.


I don't think you can judge a bar by the emptiness of a parking lot; you may just be a little early and you should have grabbed the prime spot to park.  I've seen bars go from practically empty to over crowded in less than thirty minutes; the dynamics of night life are strange.  A  place can be jumping on a Tuesday night but completely dead on the following Saturday night, for no discernible reason.  I haven't detected any patterns, but the busiest places seen to cater to the younger crowds who are out on the prowl, unencumbered by the more profound responsibilities of life.


But I can't remember any time I've seen a woman in a bar sit for hours, alone, with no attempts at casual conversation.  A simple smile and a nod is often enough to initiate a little verbal repartee, even if they're waiting for some friends or their date.  As a former bartender, I'm sure Uncle Ken can add a lot to this conversation.


Going to a bar simply to drink doesn't make any sense to me now.  If all I wanted was to wet my whistle I'd stay home, but that can be a slippery slope leading to a lot of problems if it becomes habitual.  Living alone has it's own perils.  Social drinking is fine and dandy, a good opportunity to catch up with your pals, tell a few lies, ponder the mysteries of life, and perhaps gain new insights.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Paying big dough to watch a game is screwy to me, but they're paying for what may be a once in a lifetime experience.  It means something to them, and good for them if it makes them happy.  They may regret it later, though.

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