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Thursday, October 20, 2016

three is not enough

I was listening to an interview with Ralph Nader yesterday.  Unsafe at any Speed.  I used to drive a Corvair, not very long though, after about three months I got a flat tire and steered into it like I remembered they had told me somewhere and the next thing I knew we were rolling over down the highway, just the way Ralph said it would happen.

He seemed like a good enough guy, though a little peculiar.  He seemed to get more peculiar off by the side of the road of American politics.  By the time he cost Gore the election (maybe) I had pretty much had it with him.

I think he was on as an advocate for a third party because of that run.  I wonder why they didn't invite Ross Perot.  How come nobody ever asks Ross anything these days?  There was a cubism poster in the art room wall last Saturday and I asked the teacher, if cubism was such a great idea, how come nobody paints that way anymore?  She didn't have an answer, just looked at me like I was an idiot.  I get that a lot.

But I digress,  Ralph was saying  the big girl, she's a hawk and cozies up to Wall Street, and I had to allow as how that was so.  He said Dumbo was bull goose loony, and I couldn't agree more.  But then I thought of that what's an Aleppo guy, and that green woman who has an angry fanatic look in her eyes, and then Ralph himself, who when asked a simple question, are the big girl and Dumbo equally bad, squirmed around like a worm on a hook even though he isn't actually running for anything, and it occurred to me, that three parties are probably not enough, seems like we need to have maybe six before we can find one to nominate somebody we like.

Even though the Cubs were playing a desperate game only two from being eliminated and goat's breath was swirling around them like a west coast hurricane, I watched last night's debate.

More of the same.  The big girl smirking, Dumbo scowling like a bull with a couple of those lances stuck into his ornery hide.  There have been a few things from Wikileaks that Dumbo might have used, but he just wandered randomly from topic to topic.  He has no attention span.  Right at the end he was asked if he lost would he accept the results and he said maybe he would and maybe he wouldn't, which is kind of like saying that he doesn't accept the peaceful exchange of power, which is one of the things we Americans brag about at the end of every election.

A big deal was made of that in the spin room.  And I suppose it is a big deal, but really, what is Dumbo going to do?  Lead a pack of his crackpots to the White House and break all the nice crockery?  A lot has been made, especially by those of my ilk, of comparisons between Dumbo and Hitler's rise to power.  But there is nothing like the brownshirts among Dumbo backers.  I think they'll just fade away like, I dunno, cubism.

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