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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

violaters and color tvs

I found a copy of the Reader with that article on economic equality vs diversity in it,  It's an interview with Walter Benn Michaels who wrote a book, The Trouble with Diversity.  And this just over the transom on BBC on NPR an article about how some characters in Macedonia make money by making up fake news, the kind of stuff the Breitbarts and Drudges pick up and put on their sites and then Trump and the Trumpists quote as if it had the same validity as an article in the New York Times, which of course they despise,

Oh it's all too much.  Back to the Beaglestonian.

Old Dog seems to be endorsing diversity, but doesn't like it when they lower standards,  I think he is talking here about getting women into combat and the fire department by making the tests less strenuous so that their lack of heft doesn't disqualify them,  Fair enough, if the standards aren't put there just to keep them out.

I'm not sure about birds of a feather flocking together.  If it means like going to concerts with their kind of music, fine, but if it means they all live in the crumby part of town because that's the way they like it, when in fact they are kept out of the nice side of town for economic or, well, racist reasons, not so fine.

From my sub experience the pre Ks are already beginning to segregate themselves by sex which gets more pronounced up until seventh or eighth grade by which time they are standing on opposite sides of the crepe paper festooned gym wondering if they dare to cross the floor, and wondering where all the cooties went.  Maybe it's just me but I find social groups less segregated by sex now than I did in my younger days, and I think it's a good thing because the conversation is more interesting.  Put a bunch of guys together and once the subject of sports comes up that is all that will be talked about the rest of the evening, likewise, from my limited perspective, food for women,

I had never heard of these violators before.  I could see where some guy might bag a deer or two extra when he thought the regulators weren't watching, but I had no idea they had their own ideology. Do they have their own organizations, or is it just a letter to the editor of sportsman magazines? Surely they have their own websites.  At first they sounded to me like commies, but the more I think about it the more I think they sound like Trumpists

At one extreme of economic equality you have one person owning everything, at the other extreme you have everybody owning the exact same amount.  I don't think anybody likes the former, unless that one person is them and what are the odds?  The latter sounds nice, shouldn't we share and share alike?  But probably impractical because of human nature.  So I guess it's a matter of where the line should be between those two points.  During my revolutionary days I used to proudly proclaim that nobody should own a color tv until all the hungry are fed.  Sounded good to me, especially since I didn't watch any tv in those days, but I can see where it would go as a political slogan.  Who wants to vote for a guy who is against color tv?

I don't know where I would want to put that line.  I guess as close to equality as it could get before human nature blew it kerflooey.  Maybe back to where it was when we were kids, back when Joe Sixpack could make a good enough income working hard enough, maybe give that a little scooch to help out the blacks who weren't given a fair shake back in the day.  Should the government actively try to deal with inequality?  I think so.

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