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Monday, November 7, 2016

Film therapy

The movie Primary Colors was released in 1998 and I thought watching it again might give me some insight regarding the Big Girl.  As you know, it is a thinly veiled roman à clef of Bill Clinton's campaign for the White House.  Although it somewhat humanizes HRC, you can't help but get the impression that she is one cold and calculating piece of work and much smarter than Mr. Bill.  It didn't seem to me that a lot of creative license was exercised; it rang true.  The details may have been fictitious but the characters appeared to be spot on.  Can't say for sure, I don't know those people, nor do I want to.  There is a line by the John Travolta character to the effect that lying is a big part of the political game, used to achieve a position where you can implement your policies for the good of the people.  Lot of lying going on this season, so it could be true and part of the rigged system.

And that led to a viewing of Weiner, a documentary from earlier this year that covers the New York City mayoral campaign of Anthony Weiner, of dick-pic fame.  Quite a character, but I watched it to get some understanding of his wife, Huma Abedin.  She comes across quite well but there's something fishy going on.  I have to wonder how more than a half a million emails ended up on her hubby's laptop.  Then there's the business of how a Muslim lady, who's parents are big proponents of Sharia law, ends up marrying a Jewish guy.  I guess love does conquer all.  Weiner is a good movie if you want to see a truly zealous (and delusional) character run for office.  Think of a really smart and competent version of Mr. Fart in the grip of demonic possession.  4 stars from the Old Dog.

Having seen these two movies I feel at peace.  The system is crazy, the people that are involved are crazy, and we will get what we deserve, tra la la.  Tomorrow is an inflection point and nothing may be the same afterwards, but the sun will still rise Wednesday morning and life will go on.  We'll get through this mess, and the banner may yet wave...


It looks like there will be a big voter turnout; there are more than 40 million early ballots already cast, and there are long lines today at some polling places for more early voting, at least in some parts of Chicago.

Not being terribly happy with the choices available tomorrow, I was curious about write-ins, and how it works.  You can't just write in anybody and expect the vote to count; there is some paperwork required for people to be eligible to be counted, and neither Mickey Mouse nor I.P Freely are yet eligible.  You register to run, you register to vote, and your papers will be in order.


I like coal as a resource, but not as a source of fuel; too much particulate matter, CO2, and noxious gases are produced when burned.  But with proper processing it can make some cool stuff, including plastics, chemicals, and heat shields for space shuttles (if we still used them).  Sadly, although it's cheap and plentiful, research seems to be lagging.  I still wonder if kids these days would recognize a piece of coal if you put it in their hand, unlike the old days of the 20th century.  Winter is coming and a snowman isn't complete and correct without a few lumps of coal.

Oh, leaping to a notion of a 20th Century Man, the Davies brothers have ended their long feud and may be getting together for a Kinks reunion.  Saw them once in a proper concert at the Uptown theater; Cheap Trick opened.  Good show.

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