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Thursday, November 10, 2016

here we are

Well we had the Muslims, the Hispanics, the Blacks, the gays, throw in the Asians, a lot  of groups but there aren't that many of them, not compared to white people.  We elites generally live in cities where the lily whites are a half or less, so maybe we forget how many whites there are.  And we didn't get as many of our groups as we should have, they just didn't turn out in the numbers they should have.  Pisses me off a bit, aren't we all supposed to be marching shoulder to shoulder?

Was Hilary that bad?  I don't think so, but I realize that others did.  Did she get damaged by Bernie, looking bad contrasted to the white knight?  Was it that late announcement by Comey?  Well we could go on and on about this, but right now it seems so unproductive.  There will be plenty of time to be assessing the reasons and casting blame as we descend into the cheeto apocalypse.

I woke up last morning into blackness.  How could the American people have chosen Dumbo?  What kind of people are we (them?)?  I took the elevator down and started walking, walking hard, walking fast, thump thump, walk it out.  Shit happens.  Life has to go on.

When I returned home I was calmer.  Hilary was making her concession speech, Obama was saying reconciliation words, was inviting Dumbo to the White House for a talk.  Trump had spoken of tearing things up if he lost, we would not be like him.  He is a nasty guy, but he won it fair and square.

Later at night I was watching CNN, while outside a crowd of demonstrators had taken to the streets around my building, Trump Tower with that big fat TRUMP sign is just a block away.  Bernie Babies, well actually the fringe of the Bernie Babies, most of them I'll wager didn't even vote because they were too Goddamn pure, and now they were taking to the streets.  They interviewed a few of them.  They had nothing to say, just the same old slogans.  They were so sure they were right that they didn't have to discuss anything with anybody, just shout louder, climb on top of city busses.  They were not that different from the crowds that attended the Trump rallies chanting Lock Her Up.

CNN had a nice civilized panel, discussing if this then that, the way people should discuss things.  There were a couple of Trumpists on the panel, but they were muted, without something to rail against they didn't have that much to say.  They were still full of shit, but they didn't speak as loudly.  The rest of the panel was, well it is what it is, here is where we are now.  Where do we go from here?

Maybe there was hope.  Dumbo had certainly sounded conciliatory.  Maybe this was the new Trump, the post election Trump, he has a short attention span after all.  Maybe the presidency will ennoble him.  There have been other flame throwers who got into office and realized the limitations and have governed more reasonably.  Maybe there is even some good to be had of having a bull in a China shop.

Then I tuned into Fox.  A whole other story.  They were slavering at the prospect of building the wall, deporting illegals, scraping trade agreements, slashing taxes, guns in churches, locking her up.

Well there you (we) are.

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