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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The game is afoot

I didn't know there were genes for excitement, so a big "Thanks!" to Uncle Ken.  Always a pleasure to deal with people who know more than me; I must have a "likes to learn new stuff" gene.  So, is there a seperate "thrill seeking" or "risk taking" gene?


And I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I get real stupid when dealing with certain women.  It's like a part of my brain shuts down and I become a complete sap, easily wrapped around the lady's little finger.  It must be common, as I've seen plenty of guys acting the same way, like a fly caught in a spider's web.  I'm not saying the ladies are sinister or devious but they seem to take a little pleasure in messing with a guy's head.  Women can play certain social games much better than men, yet we love it and keep coming back for more.


Speaking of social games, I wonder about the amorous overtures of Mr. Fart, what with the Tic-Tacs and grabbing.  Maybe I've watched too many old movies and TV shows, but there was a time when a lady would slap the face of a Lothario who was getting "fresh."  Does that not happen any more, and have women forgotten that a swift knee in the family jewels is very effective in repulsing any advances?  At least a loud "Stop it!" can work wonders when the guy's wife is walking down the stairs.  There is no reason why a woman has to put up with that kind of shit.  If a man can't discern that the lady is not reacting positively he is being more stupid than usual and deserves what he gets in response.  Many modern women are deceptively strong, and fingernails will leaves marks that will be hard to explain, especially to your wife, real or hypothetical.


When I was overseas I took a couple of classes for college credit, given by the University of Maryland.  A good deal, as it got me out of the Saturday morning inspections.  Anyhow, one thing stuck with me was from an Abnormal Psych class, a theory from Erving Goffman.  He said that there are only two ways to win a game; either play the game better than anyone else, or don't play the game at all (or words to that effect).

That got me thinking about claims that the election, media, and who knows what else, are "rigged."  Of course they are!  Everything is rigged in favor of people that know and understand the game that is being played.

You got one guy who won a nomination because he didn't play the game at all, but now it's a new game and politics ain't beanbag.  He can't play the new game better than his opponent, regardless of his lies and misdirection.  Trouble is, he could still win, a truly sobering thought.

But it may not matter who wins; the election isn't officially over until the electoral college votes and that isn't until early December (on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December).  Suppose the FBI and Justice Department finally get off their asses and indict the winner, whoever it may be, after the election but before the electoral college votes?  This will be an unprecedented can of worms and we may end up with a "none of the above" president.  Should be interesting.


Here's a fun little bit that regards a long ago post by Mr. Beagles regarding Earl Sinclair and the TV show Dinosaurs.  It's a video, so Uncle Ken may ignore it but I found it amusing.  Mr. Fart is actually the corporate triceratops, Mr. Richfield:

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