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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

All Bets Are Off

I gave up trying to predict the behavior of women a long time ago, and now I think I'm ready to give up trying to predict the results of this election. Common sense tells me that Hillary will win, but there is little evidence of common sense at work here. One thing I've learned by being alive this long is that, every time you think you've seen it all, you find out that you ain't seen nothing yet.

I looked up the link that Old Dog gave us, and it was impressive. That guy must have spent a lot of time cutting and splicing all those clips into a cohesive scenario. I suppose that's an easier task now that they don't have to actually cut and splice real film, but it's impressive nevertheless.

We don't watch a lot of TV anymore because most of it is just stupid. Occasionally, though, they come up with a show that's so stupid it goes beyond stupid, comes out the other end, and emerges as brilliant. The "Dinosaurs" was one of those. Another one was "The Red Green Show", it put out 300 episodes in 15 years, and we've got every one of them on DVD. One of these days we might get them out of the closet and watch them all over again. There is a new one called "The Good Place" that shows promise. They have only put out eight episodes so far, so it remains to be seen how long they can keep it going.

That's an in interesting concept, that one way to win a game is to not play it. I'm not sure if you could technically say that you won the game, but you certainly could say that you didn't lose it.

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