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Monday, November 7, 2016

joe's bait shop vs starbucks

It is indeed a populist revolt.  I have always thought in terms of left vs right, but  this is something quite different.  It's the guys at Joe's Bait Store vs the guys at Starbucks.  I previously thought in terms of the party of the workingmen vs the party of big business. but many of the workingmen have left the dems and the crowd behind Trump hates big business.  That it's led by a big business guy doesn't mean a thing, a mere bagatelle tossed by the mighty winds of 2016.

It did open my eyes as to what is going on.  I hadn't realized there were so many of the white working class, they seemed like just another niche, like black evangelicals, but the population of America is 63 percent white and I'm surprised to discover that only 20 percent of white people have a college degree, and that leaves you with, well half the population, which is roughly the percentage Trump has.

I just want to say here that college educated is just a rough measure, I take it to mean people who are more literate, who read books, who pay attention to what is going on, probably they are a bit better off financially but not necessarily.

It's true that we liberals have a certain set of values, like diversity, income equality, and environmentalism, which are like our morality, things that we believe in fighting for.  And our method is government, get elected and make laws against discrimination, programs to help poor people, regulations to protect the environment, well just trying to make things right.

But the white working class doesn't see it that way, they have their own set of values and they aren't the same, and often they are the opposite, and we are kind of shoving this down their throats.  And when they stand up for their values we accuse them of being racists or sexists.  Sometimes I think we are right in these accusations, but I also think we toss them around way too recklessly.  And nobody likes someone else telling them what to do, and sometimes we look down on them for their lack of education and for values that seem primitive to us.

I still have the magazine, I'm going to reread that article.

What happens to the post Trump republicans is a matter of speculation.  I'm assuming that he will lose, but I am sweating it.  I think it's safe to say that the Trumpists have subsummed the tea party, so that leaves them and the hard right Cruzists, and the Mittists.  Will they be able to cobble a tent top live uneasily in together?  You know I think they will, they will be able to hobble along the way the country did half free and half slave before the civil war.  They scare the bejesus out of the dems which is why the dems will stick together,  Of course this comes from a guy who never thought Trump had a chance..


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