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Thursday, November 10, 2016

The wheel turns

"We have met the enemy and he is us."  --Pogo

It's not over yet; the electoral college doesn't vote until December.  There is still the loophole that allows the delegates to vote their conscience despite the election results.  Don't hold your breath; the cure will be worse than the disease.


I find a little comfort in the likely possibility that events will unfold slowly.due to the inertia inherent in Big Government.  The guy at the top has changed but the countless thousands of functionaries lower on the totem pole will remain, and they're the ones that do all the real work and get things done.  Paperwork gets misplaced, don'cha know, and Mr. Fart wouldn't be the first president unable to get any of his policies enacted.

A more frightening aspect is his choice of Cabinet appointees, and I don't know if any of them require Congressional approval.  So far the names Giuliani, Gingrich, Christie, and Palin have been bandied about, which doesn't bode well.


But I've got to give the guy credit.  In less than eighteen months he went from the very bottom to the absolute top; no experience required.  You can't say that he isn't goal oriented, and very successful at that.

I have to rethink my notion that he was a lousy businessman with his failed projects and bankrupcies.  Sure, the casinos, steaks, airline, and many others went down the crapper, but he made out like a bandit.  His business partners, investors, and banks may have lost a lot of money but not him.  But the system is rigged, and he knows it and plays it like a Stradivarius.  I wonder how his technique will play out on the world stage.


I have new respect for Uncle Ken.  In less than a week he has gone from the pinnacle of joy (Cubs win!) to the deepest pit of despair (Big Girl loses!) and yet he strides into the darkness, facing the world.  True grit.

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