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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Democracy In Action

I checked the numbers last night shortly after 11:00. Trump had a substantial lead, but the polls had just closed on the West Coast where Hillary was expected to be strong. I was awake this morning at 5:30 so I clicked on the TV and discovered that Trump had it in the bag. I don't know why that bothered me. I thought that it would have bothered me just as much if Hillary had won but, for some reason, this bothered me more, maybe because it was unexpected. I hadn't expected the Libertarians to win, but I was disappointed that they didn't do better than they did. I thought that, if there ever was a time that people would want to vote for "none of the above", this would be it, but apparently not. I heard that a lot of people voted for what they determined to be the lesser of two evils. So why couldn't they have voted for the lesser of three evils?

I suppose that different people voted for Trump for different reasons. There was that WMC faction which we have been talking about. According to the article we read, they make up about half of the population, but women also make up about half the population, and Hillary should have gotten that half. Then there's the gays, the colored people, the Hispanics, and the Muslims. It's hard to imagine any of them voting for Trump, so maybe many of them just didn't vote. One of the commentators on the TV news  this evening said that the African Americans in Michigan didn't turn out for Hillary like the had for Obama, which may be what tipped the balance for our state. I was happy to see Michigan go Republican, I just wish it had been for a different Republican.

Well, the people have spoken. They have chosen the Clown Prince over the Ice Queen. So be it.

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