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Friday, May 10, 2019

Uncle Ken complains

Well hells bells haven't I been saying all along that going for impeachment is a bad move for the dems?  Why does Beagles need to go to outside sources to get to what he can read right in the hallowed and ivied halls the folly of going for impeachment?  Nancy knows this, she has been saying it all along.  The idea that Trump is some kind of strategist over this is ludicrous.  It violates the rule of Trump's razor.  If you except the views of the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal for him and of almost everybody around him he has the attention span of a gnat.  He just does whatever he feels like at the moment.

I have noticed there has been a rise in Americans wanting impeachment since the release of the Mueller Report, mostly among Democrats and independents which goes along with my theory that only dems and independents are reading the report.

I will take Beagles at his word that he is an honest man. If an honest man tells you that he is honest how can you think otherwise?  And I guess that would be an impediment at the polls, but the main reason that Beagles could never be a politician is that as he has said he is a party of one, relentlessly pursued by the omnipresent, omniscient them who are against him at every turn.

I hesitate to complain because Old Dog complains whenever I complain, but as Beagles often comments that has never stopped me before, but I try to bring some cultural import to these halls  even so low brow a subject as the songs of teenage angst, but sadly it falls on stony soil and no flowers bloom.  Well so it goes.

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