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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

let's change the subject

The base of the democratic party wants to impeach Trump. and some of the newly elected reps ran on that, but the leadership knows that it would be futile because the senate would never vote for removal, and there is some fear that it would rile up the Trumpists, but aren't they already riled up is what I think.  But somewhere between that hard wall of Trumpism are some people whose minds could be changed and maybe exposing Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors will change their minds and he can be voted out in 2020.   And you know if he has done nothing wrong, what is he worried about?  The reps are now beginning to investigate the investigation and maybe Benghazi and Hillary's emails again because what the hell, and I say let them go for it.  We innocent dems have nothing to fear,

I don't think that two wrongs don't make a right applies here.  If I walk up to you and punch you and when I see you balling up your fists I admonish you that two wrongs don't make a right I don't think you are going to smile ruefully and say that you guess I am right and walk away.

David Rockefeller?  I think more likely it was Doris Day who was pulling the strings on Nixon, because as long as we are telling tall tales we might as well have attractive characters.  And as long as we are telling tall tales why not agree that if it hadn't been that everybody had their heads turned to Watergate we could still be slogging our way through their jungles because everybody thought it was a sensible war.

There is plenty of news about the border.  I think Beagles would be happy with the news only if they reported on just the thing he wants reported.  Things he wants to hear about are automatically under reported and things he doesn't want to hear about are over reported.  I think what I said about the border was not that it was not a problem but that it is not an invasion.  Germany invades Poland, now there was an invasion.

What mortal enemy of Israel is Trump playing up to?

I worry about that free candy thing at Christmastime when I am wearing my Santa hat and passing out Hershey kisses to the kiddos.  So far I haven't run into any trouble.

This politics thing is tiresome.  Beagles why don't you tell the story again about the Bliss(?) festival, i don't think Old Dog has heard that.

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