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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Trump's Razor

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words and that would make Beagles' post this morning 4,000 words.  4,056 words if we include his intro.  The previous post, by way of comparison, is 543 words long, so I guess that gives Beagles a pass.  I would have preferred more action photos though, perhaps ramming the thing into a tree, or blasting away with Old Betsy while crashing through the swamp in the chase of some terrified woodland creature. 

I guess Beagles must spend on a lot of time on Old Orangey, I guess that vehicle must have some kind of name, not to have heard about The Summit. 

Before I left Champaign earlier this month I had breakfast with a couple of known Trumpists.  Because we wanted to have a pleasant meal that subject never came up, but the subject of circumstantial evidence did.  They were against people being convicted for that.  Well I don't know, seems to me that sometimes circumstantial evidence is so compelling that there is no need for a smoking gun, but I didn't press it because they seemed pretty adamant.

I don't know that they were talking about Trump specifically, or more specifically about the beginnings of the Putin having Trump's pecker in his pocket theory.  That phrase originally comes from LBJ speaking of having Humphrey's pecker and that image makes me far less squeamish than the latter.

Anyway I was speaking of this matter a post or two ago, and how it didn't seem like this had moved to the lamestream press as yet, but now it has, I saw several pundits presenting in it the wake of Trump's taking Putin's word over his own country's intelligence agents.

The main point was why.  If Putin does not have Trump's pecker in his pocket, why does Trump toe the Kremlin line on all matters?  What does he gain from it?  His base hates Russia and it's not like Trump has trouble blasting people.  I think here it is time for Trump's Razor. 

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