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Friday, July 6, 2018


That was Trey Gowdy who was saying they should get the Mueller investigation over.  He was the guy who ran the House investigation of Benghazi which went on for two and a half years, twice as long as the Mueller investigation has gone on for, and came up with nothing.  No indictments, no nothing.  The Mueller investigation has come up with a lot of indictments and a lot of information.

If Trump is not guilty of collusion with the Russkies what does he have to worry about?  If he is guilty isn't that something we should know about?  If Putin isn't pulling his strings, why is Trump consistently championing him?  Is it because he is a big fucking idiot?  Is it because he is a shrewd operator and realizes, unlike everybody else. that Putin is a swell guy?

And this just in, Trump doesn't want any Americans to be present when he has his one on one with Putin.  There will be Russian translators I assume, but no Americans.  Geez why is that do you wonder?

A lot of pundits think it will be the death of a thousand cuts for abortion, where all the state laws that make it impossible for clinics to operate will be approved, so that there will no abortions in the red states, but I don't think that will be enough for the conservatives and I think they will push to repeal it.  Of course the lawsuit is already being prepared, and I believe they can skip the lower courts and take the case directly to the supremes.  The supremes don't have to take the case, but loaded with conservative judges who doubts that they wouldn't?

I remember during the battle for gay marriage Beagles maintaining that if gays were allowed to marry it would hurt his marriage, which didn't make any sense to me, and later Beagles said it didn't hurt his marriage after all, and in fact I don't see that it has hurt anything.  Why do you want to hurt these people who have done nothing to you?  Is it because they are doing something you don't like so you feel that they should be punished?

If Beagles is going to send links to stories and have us read through them, I think it should behoove him to read past the headline and see if the story says what he thinks it does.

That Kennedy thing sounded a little strange but it didn't seem like it led anywhere.  Not like Trump meeting with the Russkies and no Americans allowed in the room.

The thing about NATO is not that the Europeans don't pay into some specific fund, the requirement is that they pay a certain percentage of their gross national product into defense which they haven't been keeping up with, but as Old Dog points out, they are paying more than Russia or China.  Does Trump hate NATO because he thinks they are cheapskates or because the raison de etre of NATO is to hold back the Russkies?  I leave it to reasonable people to decide.

This intellectual dark web that Old Dog speaks of, isn't The Institute part of that?

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