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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Rights and wrongs

There aren't many issues that are as polarizing as abortion rights; there doesn't seem to be any reasonable middle ground.  I think it's an issue of public health, the only solution for a difficult situation that should not be taken lightly.  Maybe if people were more tuned into modern birth control practices abortion wouldn't be needed, but they aren't or maybe they miscalculated (remember the "rhythm method"?), forgot to take the pill, or the condom broke.  Whatever, I don't think any woman who faces an unwanted pregnancy treats it as a trivial matter.  It can be a life changing decision, the difference between success and a life of poverty and I think the government should keep it's nose out of it and let it be the woman's decision.  Suppose some fella's hypothetical wife got raped and became pregnant.  Would he gladly raise the child as his own?

Some folks oppose abortion on moral or religious grounds and I respect their position.  I'm not a big fan of abortion but it isn't like it's mandatory.  And if I happened to be the father I would like to be part of the decision but ultimately it should be the woman's choice.  This is what happens when you don't live in a perfect world, you have to make a decision that may haunt you for the rest of your life.


The newly nominated Justice of the Supreme Court is continuing a tradition of conservative judges.  This is not necessarily a bad thing but the influence of the Federalist Society is disturbing.  I don't think a court so heavily influenced by right-wing Catholics is such a good idea.  This has been going on for longer than I thought and does not bode well for the future.  Here's a good read for you guys to chew on.


Those folks who doubt the reality of global warming may change their tune when they find parasites chewing on their internal organs.


We know about liberals and conservatives but another group has been gaining traction, calling themselves the progressives and I think the IDW is part of that group.  From what I've seen they challenge everything and everybody and sometimes make some sense and ask good questions.  I'll let Google be your guide on this one if you're curious.  I don't want to put any crazy ideas in your heads, not that I would ever do such a thing intentionally.

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