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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Left ball

Red Green is another one of those shows that I only have a passing familiarity with. I watched a few episodes when they were first broadcast and do not recall being impressed at the time but, since the passing years can greatly change one's perspective, it may be time to revisit them.  Was Possum Lodge part of the show?  The Latin motto reminded me of the words of the great possum philosopher Pogo and his statement, "We have met the enemy and he is us."  We should listen to possums more often.


The Michigan Republican senate primary is coming up soon and I read that the candidate Mr.Beagles likes, John James, has received the hearty endorsements of Trump and Pence.  I don't know if that's good or bad for James since Trump's favorites don't always do so well when the votes are counted. Most of the other candidates have dropped out and it's down to two, James and Pensler, neither of whom have any previous political experience but lack of experience could be an asset in a senate race.  I think most members of Congress have been tainted by their ineffectual behavior and can't wash away the stench.  The good Republicans are lying low and going along with the program and the good Democrats are running around in circles, not sure of what they should do except sputter in their obvious frustration.  It's quite a show.

I don't like that Avanatti guy.  The qualities that make him a good lawyer are not the same qualities that would make him a good candidate for president.  He's another guy with no political experience.  Haven't we learned anything from Trump?

It pains me to say it, but Trump's strategies may be working.  I read that the EU is coming around to some trade deals and some tariffs may be removed.  That's the way Trump works, he leads off with belligerence and big talk, waiting for the other guy to blink.  Sometimes they do, but then they lose any respect they may have had.  Trump likes it better when they fight back and prove themselves worthy adversaries.  At that point, it looks like everything is back on the table and they can negotiate in earnest, striking some kind of deal.  Any kind of deal will make Trump happy, even if he gives up more than he gains.  He wins, even if it is in his own mind; he is becoming the poster child for Pyrrhic victories.  That's my working theory of today.


That "stuck in the middle with you" reference reminded me of a gag from high school when I would be walking down the sidewalk with a couple of my buddies.  Since we were three abreast, the guy on the right would invariably say "right ball," the guy on the left would say "left ball," and then they would both exclaim in unison, "Prick in the middle!"  I guess you had to be there but I still think it's funny.

Should I be a scourge and point out an error in the attribution to Dylan?  Naw, I'll let Uncle Ken have his turn.

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