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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Those Pesky Russians

I started to read the Wiki article on the Russian thing, and a lot of it sounded familiar.  That's probably because it's been repeated so often in the news for the last year and a half.  Funny that we never heard about it before the election though.  The hoopla about Hillary's emails, on the other hand, was mostly before the election, although I seem to remember that it recently cropped up in the news again.  Maybe they are just using it as a filler on slow news days.  Personally, I lost interest in both subjects a long time ago.  It's the same thing over and over again with no end in sight.  I caught something on the TV news the other day that pretty well sums it up for me.  I tuned in right at the end, so I'm not sure, but it looked like some kind of congressional hearing.  What I heard was this guy say to another guy, "Whatever it is that you're doing, I wish you would get it the hell over with."

Naturally I would be happy to see Roe v Wade overturned, but I don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon.  First somebody would have to file a lawsuit, then it would have to work its way through the courts, which could take years.  I don't think the Supremes can short cut the process and intervene at some point and, even if they can, that doesn't mean that they will.  It would please me even more to see that gay marriage thing overturned, but that would be an even tougher row to hoe.  What would they do about the gays that are already married?  I don't think the government can un-marry people against the will of both parties.  Be that as it may, I'm glad to see the courts are taking a conservative tack for a change.  For most of my life, I have maintained that the courts have too much power.  I'll have to remember not to say that in the near future.

I looked over that article about Trudeau again, and I can't find where it says, in so many words, that Canada is willing to take all those asylum seekers off our hands.  I must have gotten that impression from the headline of the article I saw on Face Book.  When I tried to find something about it the next day, my personal assistant Cortana assembled several articles on the subject for me.  I scanned the headlines and clicked on the one I told you about.  Because it says "Trudeau forced to back down...", I assumed it was more current than the Face Book article.  I'm sure that more can be found on the subject if anybody is interested.

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