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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Beaglesonian Book Club

The Frontier in American History is a leisurely read...

Indeed it is.  Project Gutenburg has it available for download and I'm slowly making my way through the essays, wondering why I've never heard of this work before.  I'm enjoying reading it and the way it fleshes out my skeletal understanding of the frontier expansion.  The importance of salt is something that would never had occurred to me.  But there was something in the forward that immediately grabbed my attention, a statement by the French minister to the United States in 1796: "An American is the born enemy of all European peoples."   This is good stuff.  Could he have foreseen the events of 2018?


When Bernie Sanders ran for president much made of his being a socialist but I didn't give it much thought at the time.  It wasn't like he was part of some official organization.  I was wrong, there an organization called the Democratic Socialists of America, and it is growing.  I haven't heard much about them before but I'm wondering if you guys have. It appears to be an insurgent group within the Democratic Party and I'm not sure if it could be the basis of the hypothetical third political party, attracting Independents, certain Libertarians, and other dissatisfied voters.  The times, they are a changin'...


Not all is well in Trumpistan, the empire may be startling to crumble.  Today it was announced that Ivanka is shutting down her fashion line, and Daddy must not be pleased.  It will be interesting to see where he places the blame; certainly he had nothing to do with it.


I have another crackpot theory developing.  Putin, having decided that Trump has served his purpose in proving Russian superiority in the cyber game, will spill all the beans and let Trump twist in the wind, tossing the American political system into further chaos.  This will let him focus his attention on Europe and the dissolution of the European Union, which may have been his goal in the first place.  It doesn't make a lot of sense but not much else does these days.

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