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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What About Them Muslims?

Uncle Ken seems to be saying that you don't judge the morality of a culture by how they treat outsiders, you judge them by how they treat each other. By that standard, the contemporary Muslim culture is certainly immoral. I don't know how they treat their kids, but they are notorious for the way they abuse their women. They probably think they are doing right by their womenfolk, and that the way we treat ours is scandalous, which is my point exactly. What a Muslim believes to be moral, we believe to be immoral, so the two cultures do not have the same moral standards. Of course all Muslims are not the same, they have their moderates and their extremists the same as we do. Maybe a Muslim extremist has more in common with a Christian extremist than they have with a moderate Muslim. You think?

There's something else that I didn't tell you about those Indonesian cannibals. They had a tradition of being friendly with a person until they gained his complete trust, and then murdering and eating him. They had a word for it, which translates into English as "fattening up with friendship". Just before they killed the guy, they would say that word so he knew that he had been tricked. That's why they admired Judas Iscariot and thought that Jesus was a sucker. The way the missionary overcame that was to explain that Jesus was the original peace child, and a peace child is the one person that you don't fatten up with friendship. Peace children were usually treated well by their adoptive parents, but there was at least one incident where they killed and ate one, causing the two tribes to fight a bloody war of retribution that lasted several generations. The missionary eventually persuaded the warring tribes to forgive each other because Jesus forgave the people who crucified him. Okay, it's been a long time since I read that story, so I might not have all the details right, but it went something like that.

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