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Friday, January 19, 2018

Shutdown without a Cause

A lot of the reason that the increase in US population is due more to immigration lately is that people here aren't having as many kids as they used to so immigration has become a bigger percentage.  But Beagles's main complaint seems to be that there are too many nonwhite people coming in.  Well tough shit.  Maybe he can send the portion of his social security paid by nonwhites back to the gummint as a protest. 

Kudos for Old Dog and shirt-hole.  That seems a fine derivation.  I was thinking of tuning in to The Good Place, but that shutdown drama swept me up like a whirlwind.  I was watching CNN but they kept pitting a Trumpist vs a liberal, and I just find that unenlightening because like a romcom, you know what words the players are going to say before they speak them, it's all heat and no light.  Hannity had some congressman from bumfuck who thought that ISIS was behind the Las Vegas shooting.  He had no actual evidence (evidence is for the unhip these days) or anything like that, but dadgum, things sure looked fishy.  In desperation I tuned into MSNBC which I usually don't because I am a liberal democrat so what do they have to say that I wouldn't, and that Rachel Maddow, she's so smug.

She was smug alright, but she was also enlightening.  She was reading transcripts from the house hearings and explaining some interesting stuff about Russian money and, dare I use the word, collusion.

I'm a bit discomfited that Old Dog takes offense at the term scourge.  I mean it in the nicest of ways, in relation to Attila the Hun (Do we really need, the Hun, how many of us have dry cleaners named Attila?), who was like five hundred years ahead of Old Dog's horned hat hordes.  But wait I mean it in relation to his full appellation, The Scourge of God, of God, gentlemen.  He was called the scourge of god because some Christians didn't think they were living right, well not  themselves but those other Christians over the hill who called the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit. and The Scourge was sent by God to set them straight.

Anyway Ken admits to being a sinner, tossing down coffee and drunk on his own rhetoric, I sometimes go too far and don't bother to check wiki, and you know, sometimes I allow a bit of oh, balderdash, to spice up a good story,  I think the Institute is well-served by a resident scourge.

Perhaps more interesting than discarded characters is the fact that not that long ago English had no punctuation, not even the space sothateverythingwrittenlookedlikethisyouknowthisishardtotypebecausemyfingersinsistonthespaceeventhoughmymindcommandsotherwise.  But when I try to introduce the Oxford comma controversy I get a yawn that can be seen from one of those asteroids which are currently whizzing by way to close if you ask me.

I have not heard of David Cay Johnston nor his book, maybe I should look it up, but right now my eyes are locked on the shutdown drama.  The thing is, I don't see how it is ever going to get started again.  Oh that's right the polls, whoever is getting the blame will probably cave, any reasonable political faction would, but wait, there is the Trump factor.  Remember the chicken scene from Ca? ( still good viewing)  James Dean is the dems and the reps are that other guy, the guy with the comb in his mouth. and Trump is the door handle that catches his sleeve.

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