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Monday, January 22, 2018

So it goes

Did you guys hear about the meteor that hit South Eastern Michigan the other day?

Yes, I read about that but since it was so far south of the Beaglesonian Freehold and didn't cause any damage I didn't give it much thought.  It does seem that meteor events are becoming more common, or more frequently reported; it's hard to tell.  Sooner or later we are going to get smacked, hard, by a big one and then we'll have more important things to worry about.  Current issues and problems will pale in comparison.

Whether or not you are of European descent is nothing more than an accident of birth and I think it's silly to take credit for the achievements of your ancestors.  Those enterprising Europeans did not do it alone, having relied heavily on the misfortunes and exploitation of others.  Those living under European colonial rule didn't live the life of Reilly and many former colonies are still in political upheaval.  European cultural values did not always travel well, ignoring hundreds or even thousands of years of indigenous cultural traditions.  History has always been written by the winners but I think the losers should get a break once in a while.  I wonder what the descendants of the Iroquois Nation and other tribes think of the current immigration flap.  There were once tens of millions of people living in North America at the time of Columbus, but where are their descendants now?


The government shutdown is another non-issue for me because I think it's part of Trump's plan, another way to ultimately "drain the swamp."  Aren't there still thousands of unfilled government positions?   These vacancies are causing federal departments to erode from within, and I am hard pressed to name one eminently qualified person at the highest levels with the possible exception of a general or two.  And that could be a problem if the generals get too full of themselves and decide it's time to put their expensive toys to the test.  Whatever happens, it will be one for the history books assuming there will be anyone to read them.  But things are weird all over when you have a neutral country like Sweden issuing pamphlets to prepare its citizens for war with Russia, or so I've read.  And since neither Sweden or Finland are in NATO, well, who knows?


I don't consider minorities much of a threat, but that's my opinion.  At one time or another everyone was part of a minority and, through the generations, became well integrated into American culture and society.  Some more than others, I'll concede but it takes time and open minds.  We will all be better off for it but we also have the right to freely associate with whomever we like and if some folks simply rub you the wrong way, that's okay too.  I don't think it's worth fighting about as long as everyone is subject to the same rules of law.

Maybe my tinfoil hat has a few leaks, but it seems to me that conflict among the citizenry is a fine way for the "powers that be" to remain and grow in power.  The rich are still getting richer and as long as the common folk are fighting with each other, they're fine with that.  No need for a meddlesome free press to question authority, is there, as long as the economy is booming? 


The Good Place introduced a new philosophical term recently which I have yet to read up on: Moral particularism.  Either of you guys familiar with it or have an opinion before I check it out?  It seems a little silly that such deep philosophical meanderings are emanating from a television comedy, but so it goes.   Reality isn't what it used to be.

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