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Friday, January 12, 2018

Holy shit!

Just Tuesday I was writing about how Trump had become humdrum.  You can only throw a chair so far after all.  I saw him at that bipartisan committee where he was acting all reasonable and polite and shit, and even a CNNer or two were daring to say something like is this the long awaited New Trump.  With the banishment of Bannon had he been cleansed by The Light?  Har.  You can teach a bear to dance, but once the dance is over and you have given him his fish he will be wondering what you would taste like.

So Trump was tossing the chair a little further than usual yesterday.  There was that whole FISA thing in the morning where seconds after the Foxies warned him to be against it, he was tweeting that very message in their words, and it took his handlers most of the morning to clean up that mess.  And then there was the Flake gang of six or so announcing proudly that they had hammered out a deal on Daca, and it only remained for Trump to ink it, which he had said he would do when he was doing his ursine dance, and he put the hammer on that.  So two Trumpian acts within a few hours, and both of them pretty good tosses of the chair even by Trump's high standards, but still not that big a deal.

And then holy shit, there it was, the shit-hole remark, the chair, make that a sofa, that cleared the studio and out the window and was last seen approaching orbit.  I was watching CNN of course, and when it first broke the breaker actually said shit-hole.  By the time it got to the higher reaches of Wolff he was calling it a blank-hole.  On the feed it went through shit-hole, sh*t-hole, s*-hole, *-hole, and so on.  Putting all other things aside, I was wondering had Trump done what George Carlin could only whine about?  I skipped through the opening of the network news.  I don't remember which was which, but one said shit-hole, one said blank-hole, and one said scatological term.  This morning NPR, in its hoity toity manner was calling it a vulgar term.

And the morning papers have just come over the transom, and both the Trib and the Sun-times are calling it a vulgar term in the header, but are using the term shithole in the text.  When I began writing this I was using the term shithole, but I didn't like that th together, it looked a little like shi-thole. But anyway, can we now add to Trump's litany of triumphs, changing the seven dirty words to six?

Speaking of anyway, we did get an orange-headed nod to the Norwegians as fine fellows, that that old Finn, Old Dog, might well bask in the glow of, though I imagine he might resent being lumped in with the Norwegians, but when those guys come charging at you with their battle axes it's hard to tell one horned head from another.

Okay, so there were some fine posts from the dawgs that deserved a longer response, but Trump has again stolen the show and exhausted my morning.  Let me just respond to them briefly.

I meant western civ in a pretty general way, maybe dating from the renaissance, basically technology, and I consider globalism an extension of western civ, just my personal thought, just a way to smooth things for my argument that monotheism was a force in developing science and technology. 

And I'm going to defend Jack Tapper.  Miller came in there loaded for bear and obviously intending only to put on a show for Trump.  Tapper was interrupting him to get a response to his questions, it being his show after all.  I was glad to see Tapper interrupting him because if I wanted to hear orange boasting I could hear it from the horse's ass's mouth himself. 

And those wars over ideology that Beagles speaks of, I assume he means the reformation, well shit happens and in fact those wars led to a lot of advances in technology which I think is the main thrust of western civ.

I don't think that The Apprentice formed Trump's personality.  I think he has always been the same guy, a guy surrounded by yes men who has had no reason to believe he was ever wrong about anything.  Occam's razor.

Oh, and this just in.Trump denies using that language. 

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