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Friday, January 5, 2018

Logic and Common Sense

I seem to remember learning about logic in my geometry classes at Gage Park. I understand that all math is based on logic, but they prefer to teach arithmetic by rote because it's quicker, especially for the younger kids. Algebra was kind of a combination of both methods, if I remember correctly. Then I got to trigonometry and I couldn't make sense out of it. I have been told that I must have had a poor teacher, which may be true. I remember that guy as being kind of an elitist prick. As near as I can tell, he expected us to just know that stuff intuitively, and I'm not so good at that. I remember a guy in the army telling me that I was smart, but that I didn't have any common sense. After we both sobered up, I decided that he was right, and I have been trying to learn common sense ever since. I must have been somewhat successful because I haven't had my lights punched out in a long time.

I don't think that people are exactly natural born poets but, if they have a predisposition for verbal skills, they could apply those skills to writing poetry if they are so inclined. Uncle Ken would know more about painting than I do. I think it involves fine motor skills, but I suspect there is more to it than that. I have heard that politicians need to have people skills which, as I understand it, involves manipulation and deceit, among other things. I used to think that I was somewhat of a philosopher until I learned a little about real philosophers. In my opinion, they make things was more complicated than they need to be. It's almost like they don't really want the general public to understand them, only other philosophers. Is there such a thing as obfuscation skills?

I thought that computers already spoke English. I have seen ads on TV about computers that you can ask a question like, "Where's the nearest taco stand?" and they tell you exactly where it is in relation to your current position. I think they can even call the taco stand and place an order for you to pick up when you get there.

I think that most people vote the same way from one election to another. The outcome depends on who shows up to vote and who doesn't. Obama was good at persuading his fans to show up. Hillary, not so much. Some people will vote for a moderate right candidate to prevent any kind of lefty from winning. Others, believing that there is no substantial difference between the two, might sit this one out.

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