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Friday, January 26, 2018

Hey, let's be moral out there

I was expecting a report from our resident gentleman scientist about  the 5.9 year oscillation cycle, but he is more of a hands on guy.  I did a little research myself and discovered that the earth's rotation varies by milliseconds every day which is due to storms, ocean currents, earthquakes, perhaps H bomb tests, the flotsam and jetsam of the blue planet.  But every 5.9 years there is a jerk back or forth and the earth sets into a new rotation speed until the next jerk takes it back or forward.  The scientists say they suspect it has to do with the core-mantle boundary which sounds like me claiming every modern miracle which I don't understand is probably done with lasers.  I wonder if there is some bigger cycle where these jerks even out, but perhaps not, the earth's rotation is slowly slowing, and that big old moon is slowly slipping away, and jolly old mr sun dreams of someday becoming a red giant.  Everything changes.

Except the laws of physics remember.  What about morality?  Not that long ago it was okay to have slaves in the USA. At this same time it was not okay to have slaves in say Europe and Mexico, so there you have morality changing from time to time and place to place, again unlike the laws of physics.  But okay, it was okay for that place and that time, but was it really okay?  Aren't their higher laws of morality that transcend time and place?  The laws of God of course, but gods vary from time to time and place to place, and though they are pretty similar they vary a bit.

But what about Man?  I mean he is the guy who thought up good and evil in the first place, so where did he get his laws, two places I posit, in his heart and in his mind.

We know the heart part, we go through our daily lives and we hear and see things and we think this is good, this is bad, and we don't have to do a lot of mental gymnastics, it comes right from the heart, we just feel that something is right or wrong.

The mind part is a little more subtle.  I think we get it from those high minded Greeks lazing around in agoras thinking while their slaves did all the work.  I think they did it like they did geometry, took certain axioms like truth is good, honor is good, and reasoned them out to come up with  moral laws.  It worked swell for geometry, but not so swell for morality because a line is simpler than truth and a point is simpler than honor.  But still we have the golden rule which is pretty good, and I think most people believe we can formulate some broad laws of morality that go beyond space and time.

Something for the dawgs to chew on as we enter the weekend, and dawgs, hey, let's  be moral out there.

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