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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

the lessons of history

I don't see where those cannibals in Dutch Guinea were outside universal morality.  They loved their kids, they were loyal to their friends, I'm sure their vision of what was good and what was bad was not so different than what we live with.  Of course they didn't  love our Lord and Savior, and even made fun of Him, which is what irked this Richaradson guy.  Oh they fought constantly with neighboring tribes but all hunter gatherer tribes do that. Along with our genes to be sociable and cooperate with others, are the genes to see others as others and to kill them or capture them and treat them like shit.  Child of Satan, Child of God is the title of Susan Atkins (former Manson girl), and so are we,  Of course I don't believe in Satan or God, but you know, Good and Evil.  Well not Good and Evil as external powers like the law of gravity, but as things that live in our minds.

And I began this talking about beliefs and not behavior.  A society can be base and venal, but still give lip service to the highest standards of good and evil  Take those Nazis, they believed in a fairly Christianlike culture on the home front, Kinder, Kuche, Kirche.  There's a few cable channels on the edge of the dial , AHC, SMITH, NATGEO that show a lot of WW II stuff.  Lately they had one on the Fuhrer's folks' food.  Hardly any meat, fresh vegetables, no butter, olive oil.  They are like those foodies of today with their religion of food.  A double cheeseburger with cheese fries is not just a poor culinary choice, it is like unto a sin.

So even if the Germans had a strong cooperative side they also had a lot of that seeing others as others and certainly had no qualms about treating their neighbors badly.  If Beagles read somewhere that the Germans had a low opinion of the Jews surely he read a few pages further and saw that all Christiandom had a low opinion of the Jews (others), and had been regularly massacring them since hijacking their religion.  What happened in Germany could have happened in any Christian country with the right mixture of events.

Hum does anybody see any parallel between Hitler coming to power by denigrating a group of outsiders and current conditions?  Just asking.

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