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Thursday, January 11, 2018


Is the term Western Civilization still relevant?  It seems to me that we now have a Global Civilization, very heavily influenced by WC, that is split between the developed and not-so-developed nations.  There are significant exceptions, particularly in the Middle Eastern regions, but it looks like most nations are getting with the program.  I'm not exactly sure what Uncle Ken means when he is discussing Western Civilization; is it to be compared to Eastern Civilization?  I'd like to know how other factors such as capitalism, culture, and colonial expansion work into his treatise and I look forward to the next installment.

But when I think of civilization I don't think of living in cities which is what the word originally meant, way back when.  The global population is becoming increasingly urbanized and a lot of the  biggest cities are in distinctly non-Western regions, so now I don't know what to think.  Maybe Uncle Ken has some new words I could use, the best words.


I'm always on the lookout for some good humor and satire and I've found a good source on YouTube.  It's a series of short videos from the folks at called "Honest Ads."  They're not too long, around five minutes or less, and they cover a wide range of subjects.  A couple of examples are "Why Presidential Debates Can't Be Honest" and "If Soda Commercials Were Honest."  The complete playlist can be found here:
You guys may not like them, but I do and they provide a little food for thought.


Trump used to be a TV actor, and those people can play any part that is assigned to them.

He's no actor.  The only role he ever plays is Donald J. Trump and he still can't remember his lines; they keep changing from day to day.  In fact, none of the White House staff seem to be following the same script.  Yesterday Kellyanne Conway was telling an interviewer that no one in the White House is talking about Hillary Clinton anymore, but earlier that same day His Orangeness mentioned Hillary and the election during a press conference with the Norwegian Prime Minister.  It seems every time Trump opens his mouth he's got to say something about Hillary.  And how can he insist there is no collusion with the Russians if the investigation is still ongoing?  What a maroon.


Since I don't have cable I wasn't able to see Jake Tapper's interview with Stephen Miller, but I was able to listen to an audio stream and I have a different take on it.  It sounded to me like Tapper kept interrupting Miller, not letting him finish what he had to say.  Quite rudely, I thought.  Chris Cuomo did the same thing with Kellyanne Conway today, not letting her finish what she was saying.  Are all CNN reporters like that?  The folks at MSNBC seem a lot more professional, but they don't get the same level of White House heavyweights that CNN gets.  I'm getting the impression that the White House sends folks to CNN because it stirs the pot and makes for higher ratings.  There's a real love/'hate thing going on, maybe just to validate the claims of fake news.  Oh, well...there will be a new story tomorrow.

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