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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

In good health

It took me a while to figure out the hot topic of "groovy font."  There it was, right in front of me, and I didn't notice.  But it doesn't look too groovy to me, more like a version of Times Roman. Is that what you guys are talking about?


As far as I can tell, the great naval expeditions of Zheng He were ended by Imperial decree, heavily influenced by the more conservative Confucian faction in the imperial court.  Too expensive, they thought, and since China did not have aspirations for conquest or colonization, that was that.  Some of the great ships were burned, others were left to rot in dry dock, and it was ordered that no ships with more than two masts were to be built in the future.  Besides, they were happy enough for the merchants and traders to come to them for their precious jade, silk, and other exports.

The China of today is very unlike the China of my childhood memory, still Communist but no more dull gray Mao uniforms worn by all its citizens.  Those commies have turned capitalism on its ear, excelling in both trade and manufacturing.  They've become the world's factory, and folks from the villages are still lining up to work in the urban factories despite deplorable working conditions.

I wonder if Putin's Russia considers China a threat. The Russians dumped communism, and where are they now?  Except for energy supplies and weapons there doesn't seem to be a lot that Russia can offer the global market.  Oh, I forgot caviar.


None of the pundits are yapping about the book Fire and Fury anymore; that didn't take long.  Since then, it's been nothing but the shirt-hole dialogues and that's about to change.  I caught snippets of the press conference about the president's physical exam and damn!, exceptional health for a man his age and he even aced that Montreal Cognitive exam they threw at him at the last moment.  We're not going to hear the end of this.  Remember when, before the election, that goofy personal physician of Trump was talking about how healthy he was?  He may have been right, all due to good genes.  Reality tips on its axis once again.


So, Bannon got a subpoena from Mueller; that should make things interesting for the White House.  My current working theory is that it's all going to revolve around financial irregularities and money laundering, with no political influence by foreign governments.  Hard to say at this point.  I'd like to hear more about that $130,000 (allegedly) paid to that porn star.  Did Trump claim it as an expense on his taxes?  No wonder he isn't making those records public.

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