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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Reflexes and Thinking

Proprioception is a new one on me, but that's not what I meant by muscle memory. I think "conditioned reflex" is closer to what I was trying to say, something that you have to learn initially, and then it becomes automatic. I think that proprioception is an inborn reflex that doesn't need to be conditioned, but I could be wrong about that. I'm not sure where our sense of balance fits into this. It seems like it just comes naturally, but babies learning how to walk fall down a lot. Maybe the reflex is inborn but it has to be developed to reach its full potential. Then there's something called "predisposition". I understand that Mozart was playing the violin at age three, so he must have had a "gift" for it. If, however, Mozart had never gotten his hands on a violin, nobody would have known about his gift. It just occurred to me that cognitive thought follows some of the same rules. We are born with the ability to think, but it has to be nurtured and developed if it's ever going to amount to anything.

That's all I've got for now. Let me think about it for awhile, and I'll get back to you.

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