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Thursday, January 18, 2018

A new world, fellow Stonians

What I was unable to find, after a deep ten minute search, was not the Hart Cellar Act, but any indication that the act made it more difficult for Norwegians to get into this country, and my reading of it likewise failed to reveal anything within it that indicated so.  I believe that here I will stand, being able to do no other. 

So as so often happens when the light of the Institution is shined on a subject knowledge is revealed and it turns out that Norway is pretty dang rich, and I got to wondering if Old Dog's countrymen, from a land known for dourness and lewd dances, swam some river to bus tables in pickled herring restaurants in Helsinki.  But it turns out there is no river, and I guess I should have known that since the border is the spine of a mountain range. 

No it's not, that's Sweden and Norway.  There is some river but there are also a couple of cairns, which are piles of rocks I believe.  The whole thing is very complicated because it is so near to the north pole and there was that little unpleasantness during WW II.  Oh, and it is an open border, aren't those people nice.

And when I say those people I mean all those folks who ravaged semi-civilized Europe at the turn of the last millennium, lopping off heads and carrying away screaming virgins, I get them mixed up.  As The Scourge, rightly points out, I have confused Danish and Norwegian surnames.  The fault was mine not CNN's, as I recall them speaking of Danish names, but it was late at night for Uncle Ken, and I guess I misrembered things in the morning. 

Back in the day, days before a young lad like Old Dog, in Gage Park DP was what we called WW II refugees.  Well we didn't have any actual refugees in the hood, but we were familiar with seeing them on tv, pushing wheelbarrows of family treasures over rutted roads, and not dressed, I have to say, terribly snappy.  It was the latter that caught our attention.  If we saw anybody whose attire did not match the high standards of Gage Park finery we would inform them that they looked like DPs.

Always up for ethnic slurs, I looked up herring choker wondering if it was what the other horned hat guys called the Swedes. or if it was something that they call called each other, but google says it is a slur on the good folk of New Brunswick.  New Brunswick? 

Another day of cable news on the horizon.  Fire and Fury has given way to shithole, and now we are on DACA and the gummint shut down, and now Kelly has left his post to wander down to capital hill to tell the folks there what Trump really means, and Bannon has shut his pie-hole claiming executive privilege, but last I heard The White House (whatever that means) is claiming they told him no such thing.  You know I get up early and I post to the Stonian (hip new appelation, what do my brother Stonians think?) and read the paper and then I turn off the radio and play music while I paint, and maybe about eleven I am done painting and I turn on CNN and it is a whole new fucking world.

I'll try to catch Good Place tonight.  What is the derivation of shirt-hole?

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