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Friday, October 4, 2019

Squirrely shit going on

It was hot in Indy this midweek.  Getting into my friend's car, I noticed that he had his window rolled down, ah yes I like riding in a car with the windows rolled down, and I reached for the knob to roll my window down.  The knob?  Ah yes I remembered those things, haven't seen them in years.  I had assumed that they had gone the way CD players are now set to go years ago.  But it turned out this was the cheapest model of the cheapest Chevy, standard with no window buttons and no air conditioning.

It was great  I hear that those button things sometimes get off of their alignment and then it is an expensive repair, but the best thing about the knobs is that the window goes all the way down, all the way down, so that when you put your elbow out the window, which is clearly where God meant us to put our elbows when we are seeing the USA in our Chevrolets, there is not that little bit of hard-edged window to poke into us uncomfortably. 

This talk of squirrels piqued my interest, specifically ?I wondered about city squirrels and country squirrels,  City squirrels have been living among us for generations and I wonder if the blessings of civilization have had an effect on their evolution.  Mostly they tend to their own business, but if you happen to run into them in a park, where people frequently feed them, they will look at you expectantly as in hey buddy can you spare a an acorn, a peanut, a pizza crust?  I wonder if some are better beggars than others and therefore fare better and have more offspring so have human friendly genes become more pronounced among them.  Fortunately the google machine has a plethora of info, which will be perused later.

I've been reading about The Irishman.  It is three and a half hours long.  I don't know if I can do that long.  I hear people binge watch those cable shows for like sixteen hours, but they're made for tv and I assume they have a lot of slack time in them, but a good movie should be jam-packed with no extraneous parts so you have to pay attention to everything.

But I'm glad to see sin come back into our conversation.  Personally I believe that we are born with the concept of sin, well not exactly, but we have a genetic makeup that instantly knows sin when it sees it.  Well not exactly that either, something like it.  As you know I am pleased to have a conversation about it.  I'm a utilitarian, and I don't believe any action is innately good or bad, but that is is the outcome that matters.

I believe that the behavior of Trump has gotten increasingly nuttier since he took office and not like in a straight line, but in one of those algebraic curves where it gets steeper with every step, like those rice grains on the chessboard.  And this Guliani, he is like gas on the fire.  You now hear a lot of republicans complaining about Guliani, but you know Trump loves him so there is nothing to be done about it.  For all this the base is holding steady, so the republicans have to say increasingly stupider things to keep up with him.

I still think impeachment is a bad tactical move, but the die is cast, at this point the dems can do no other.  Is Beagles happy that the dems have gotten off the pot?

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