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Thursday, October 10, 2019

kurds and the twitter way

Twitter was pretty popular before Trump.  When it first came out it was widely ridiculed because it allowed only 40 characters.  What can you say in 40 characters was the outcry, and then before you know it everybody was using it.  Well everybody famous.  It was a thing, if you wanted to remain famous you had to have a big footprint in social media.  And you can't just blame the twitterers.  They wouldn't be doing it if there weren't a lot of twitterees.  Lots of folks want to know what Lady Gaga had for breakfast.

At first it seemed like it was mostly for celebrities who often got in trouble by getting drunk and twitting something stupid and mean.  A money making suggestion I had for the Ten Cat was to offer free tweeting, and then phone the twitterer the next morning and say that the tweet had been held up overnight but now would go out unless the twitterer wanted the Ten Cat to kill it, which could be done for a 'reasonable' fee.

Politicians took to it though.  Well if your opponent was on twitter you'd better get on it too.  And then they all got followers and it developed that there were all sorts of unscrupulous ways to increase your number of followers (many twitter followers are bots), and there was a bit of a scandal about that. 

Because it is such an easy way to gauge things the main stream media pays close attention to it,  Every now and then they will proclaim that the twitterverse is on fire about something, but the thing is only about 20 percent of Americans are on twitter and most of them are teens following like the lady with the fake butt.

The Turks and the Kurds have been at it since the fall of the Ottoman empire.  Back in the heyday of the empire a lot of the big shots were Kurds, but when Ataturk took over he wanted it to be a western-style nation comprising Asia Minor. and he wanted it to be exclusively Turkish which is why he massacred the Armenians, and also cracked down hard on the Kurds.  But the Kurds are tough, and they fought back pretty hard, and there has been a long history of terrorist activities and brutal crackdowns between the two. 

This Erdogan is a bad actor which is probably why Trump has cozied up to him, also he has a big Trump tower in Istanbul.  He was on the phone with him (I'm sure it was a very nice call, as all his calls are), just before he pulled back our troops and invited the Turks in to wipe out the Kurds.  Now he is making threats to the Turks, but they know they are hollow and are ignoring them.

Meanwhile back in Washington Moscow Mitch and Widdle Windsey are fretting and gnashing their teeth as if they are shocked, shocked, that the viper they have cuddled at their breasts is selling our national defense down the river for some shiny gold coins in the turnstiles of his towers.

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