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Monday, March 6, 2017

Where Are the Wishy-washers?

Remember my theory about the left wing nuts, the right wing nuts, and the wishy-washers? Well where were the wishy-washers last November? For that matter, where are they now? I expected the wishy-washers to vote for Hillary, and I still find it hard to believe that they voted for Trump, so they must have just stayed home on election day and, from what I've been seeing on the news, they still must be laying low.

I have come to view U.S. politics with detached amusement over the years. I only have one vote, and I can't do anything about all the people who vote the wrong way, or don't vote at all, so there's no point in taking any of it too seriously. As for all that lying, I've known lots of habitual liars in my life, and now one of them has become President of the United States. So what else is new?

One thing that still surprises me is that, every time I think I've seen it all, I find out that I ain't seen nothing yet. Like when they passed that gay marriage thing, I said, "What's next?". It was hard for me to imagine anything more ridiculous than that but, sure enough, there is. Now there are boys who want to use the girls' bathroom and girls who want to use the boys' bathroom. Apparently that's what was next. So now what's next?

Some people thought it was the end of the world when a Black guy was elected president. Actually, he was only half Black, but I guess the White half didn't count. Now some people think it's the end of the world because a raving lunatic was elected president. People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world, but the world is still here. Of course, like they say about mutual funds, "Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance." Just because the world hasn't ended yet doesn't mean that it will never end but, at my age, I've got a feeling that I will end before the rest of the world does. Hopefully, I will get established in the Good Place before it gets over run with freaks and weirdos. I'll just find myself some prime swamp land to hide out in, then I'll be safe.

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