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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

more political complaining

I just want to say one more thing about impugning scientists for being in it somehow for the money, with no proof of this other than it's a current in conservative news with no foundation, something Beagles heard somewhere.  Even if if were true that scientists were a bunch of lying sacks of shit somehow lining their pockets by proclaiming global warning, all Beagles would have to do is read the world wide temps, note that though there have been variations in the climate in the past, the current one is not like the changes in the past, read a little bit about the effects of carbon dioxide and note how much of this stuff we are pouring into the atmosphere and how closely that corresponds to the rise in global temps.

Oh I know we have gone over this before, but maybe if Beagles examined the evidence instead of impugning the messengers the scales would fall from his eyes.

We had plenty of lake effect snow yesterday.  I would look out my window and it would be a blizzard, five minutes later nada, five minutes after that the sun would be shining, and five minutes after that it would be a blizzard again.  Pretty cool.

The way Beagles describes himself in the 70s is like he was in a cult, getting his news from the Birchers, who I am sure called everybody else a liar, and his only other source of news was the guys in the bar who I assume were not that much different from him and thought everything they didn't like was a lie.  He sounds like those guys the lamestream media interviews at Joe's Bait Shop who all voted for Dump, but when the reporter asks them a question it is clear that their knowledge of anything beyond how to drive to work is nil, and as a matter of fact you wonder how they even know how to do that.

But snowshoes, here is something new.  Where were you going in those snowshoes?  Where were the snowmobilers (why don't you call them snow machiners like Sarah Palin?) going?  Over the river and through the woods I guess, but right on past Grandma's house to the next river and the next woods i guess.  It sounds like it was something recreational.  I guess that's what you do for fun in the north woods in the winter.  Beats watching tv I'll wager.

I can't imagine Budweiser winning any beer competition anywhere other than the USA, at a frat house.

I guess Beagles thought the health care system before Obamacare was dandy because it worked okay for him.  I guess he didn't know any people who were stuck in job they hated and didn't dare leave it because they were afraid of losing their insurance, or anybody who couldn't get it at all because they had a preexisting condition, and those poor people who were getting it for free were getting it at the emergency room where it cost the taxpayer more and the care was crappier.

So right now Ryancare is stuck in the house where it doesn't have enough votes and if Ryan moves to the left of right he will lose as many votes as he gains, and the only hope is the great amber hope who doesn't like Ryan anyway, and doesn't want to be associated with anything unpopular and will toss his followers into the health care crapper, and it looks like his solution is to do nothing and hope that Obamacare falls apart on its own, hastening that collapse by drying up its funding and then when it collapses and however many people die from no care, well that will be blamed on Obama so it's a win win.  Well no, it's a loss for the saps, but Dump wins bigly and there's that nice little tax break for the rich so that's two out of three.

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