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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Fox in the Hen House

I looked up your Devin Nunes, and he seems to be the classic case of the fox that's been hired to guard the hen house. He's supposed to be investigating this Trump-Russian thing, and it looks like he's up to his eyeballs in it himself. Maybe they need somebody to investigate the investigator.

I don't remember the term "radiclibs", but I can pretty much figure out what it means, or at least used to mean. I was calling myself a reactionary back in those days, but I got tired of explaining what it means every time I said it. The guys at the paper mill used to call everybody who wasn't a "big suck" a "radical", and I couldn't make them understand that, when the radicals are in power, the opposition people are more properly called "reactionaries".

I'm not sure that any of those old fashioned political labels are relevant today. What do you call somebody like Trump? Okay, I know there are lots of things we could call him, but none of them seem to fit the old definitions of a liberal or a conservative. His proposals are not popular with any of the Democrats and half of the Republicans. I guess you could all him a reactionary, but that would be an insult to all the other reactionaries. Maybe that's his true mission, to give the reactionaries a bad name. If that's the case, then he must be some kind of communist, except that he's paling around with the Russians, and they renounced communism decades ago. Well, the Russians were monarchists before they were communists, so maybe Trump and his pal Putin are neo-monarchists. That's the best I can  come up with right now, but maybe I'll think of something else later.

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