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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Occam's razor for Chrissake

I remember that little blip about the return of an ice age in the seventies.  I don't remember it as having much backing from scientists and I certainly don't remember carbon as being blamed for it, and sure enough it wasn't.  From the wiki:

Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere culminating in a period of extensive glaciation. This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the full scope of the scientific climate literature, which showed a larger and faster-growing body of literature projecting future warming due to greenhouse gas emissions.

The article is here:

Rather than analyze their evidence Beagles casts aspersions on the motives of the scientists.  I expect that many scientists work in academia which is sort of government funded, but the idea that they are promoting global warming as a way to boost their paychecks is ludicrous.  In fact with the new regime any scientist working for the government is being canned for promoting global warming,

No conspiracy, Occam's razor.  Maybe I won't get cremated so that I can have a headstone and have that printed on it.

But anyway Beagles is more progressive on this issue than the head of the EPA so I guess I shouldn't push  it.

I like snow too.  Disappointed to rise this morning and not see that lake effect snow that has been promised to us.  I guess there is hope later today. Even the normally staid NPR announcers sound infected a bit with that local news hysteria.  A foot of snow on New York.  Whatever should we do? Surely this has never happened before!

I was never a fan of Molson (or Labatts). Despite their Canadian sophistication they both taste like yellow beer to me, same with Modelo with all its south of the border cache.  That circular seal in the Budweiser label listing Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe used to puzzle me.  Why would anybody who doesn't live in the USA drink Budweiser?  I always assumed it was because the USA has army bases all over the world, but lately I have been hearing that some Europeans like what now goes by the name of American lager.  It's not what they drink all the time, but every now and then i guess they get a hankering for good old yellow beer.

A lot of Dump's moves like appointing judges, firing prosecuters, casting aspersions on trusted institutions and other branches of government are weakening the checks and balances that Old Dog hopes to rescue us from this shitstorm.  Also remember how the hard time Obama had setting the ship of state on a better course was exacerbated by the hole W put in the treasury?  Imagine the hole that Dump is going to put there.

How about the new health care where you pay more for being older, you know like smokers who pay for their bad habits.  And somehow they have stuck a tax break for the rich in there.  If you look at any republican legislation there is always a tax break for the rich in there.  It's who they are,  It's what they do.

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