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Monday, March 20, 2017

boldly going forth and punching and romancing

I don't doubt what Old Dog is saying about shipping costs going down.  I'm not saying I don't think it's true I am just wondering how excess capacity can be responsible because don't they still have to gas up those boats and crew them and load and unload them?.  Maybe there is some kind of price war going on.  Well Old Dog brings up international banking mumbo jumbo.  That is sort of like dividing by zero.  Once you allow that into the equation any result is possible.

I don't remember the woodchuck manual,  Kind of odd that ducks would have a woodchuck manual, shouldn't theirs have been more like a wood duck manual?  Even as I was writing that I was thinking I bet there actually is a wood duck, and sure enough there he was in wiki, and quite a snappily hued little fellow he is, and his mate is a little sharper than the actual girl duck I think.  And what is it with woodchucks?  And here I am astounded from my trip to wiki that none of the items in the list refer to an actual animal.

In fact most of the items have some Disney link, which makes me think maybe he originated the term, but no there is that how much wood thing,  So did they just make up the woodchuck for that tongue twister?  Did they have wood chucking in mind and just needed an animal to complete the phrase?  And what's with the if?  That implies that the woodchuck doesn't actually chuck any wood, and if it doesn't why is it called a woodchuck?  I suppose he hangs out with the unicorns and mermaids who probably get tired of running into him at their cocktail parties and having him introduce for the hundredth time the fun fact that he doesn't actually chuck wood.

And when have you ever run into a fun fact that was any fun?  And what is wood chucking anyway? It sounds like you are just tossing it from place to place, which why would you want to do that with wood.  And what's the point of selling sea shells by the sea shore where anybody can just pick them up for free?  But wait, wiki reports that there was an actual Sally upon whom the tongue twister is based, except that her name was Mary.  And Peter Piper?  Some authors have identified the subject of the rhyme as Pierre Poivre, an eighteenth‑century French horticulturalist and government administrator of Mauritius, who once investigated the Seychelles' potential for spice cultivation. 

I am still holding out on Windows 10, but I am not surprised .to hear that it is infested with ads.  My cheapo printer has somehow gotten into my operating system and keeps nagging me to download its latest updates.  

I think Comey is going to say that there is no evidence that Obama wire-tapppped Dump and Dump is going to call him a liar and he'll continue to do so, well indefinitely.  He had to sort of admit he was wrong about  the Obama birth certificate thing and it left a bad taste in his mouth and he never wants to experience it again.  I'll bet you could put him on his Mar-a-Largo throne on the beach (not far from Sally, who is actually Mary) and have him forbid the tide to rise, and even as water was lapping against his tiny-toed feet he would claim it was not and anybody who said otherwise was probably a member of the big girl's pizza and pederasty ring.

I've heard that Canute actually did the tide thing to show his retinue that he was merely mortal.  Fat chance of Dump doing that/

That hound thing sounds awfully resource intensive to nab a rabbit or a fox.  Maybe it is mostly for sport?   Well hunting is exciting, growing grain not so much.  At the risk of bringing up the good book didn't the good lord prefer Cain's bloody mess to Abel's healthy salad?  I imagine the carnivores get the chicks.  And since meat doesn't keep well he has to share it with his pals which makes him popular.  The farmer can keep his grain indefinitely and doesn't have to share, but now that we have a commodity we have trade, and now that we have trade we have the smarter fellows taking advantage of the not so smart, so some guys dig in the ground all day while the others sit around and bullshit and come up with the things that give us well, civilization?  

It's one of those things that's surely inevitable, but if we were some kind of Star Trek characters, ones who didn't believe in not interfering with the natives, though somehow that never keeps the Cap'n from messing with the messing with the local babes or punching out the citizenry, if we came across some primitive hunter folk and saw some of them messing with agriculture, should we punch out those guys and romance their women as well because what the hell?

As well as complaining about oval Ritz's at the last seminar Old Dog was complaining about  the lack of big topics lately so i am submitting this one?  

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