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Monday, March 13, 2017

snowy morning

If you want to analyze global warming just look at yearly global temps, note the recent atypical spike, and note what we have been doing at the time.  If you want a little more take note of the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide, note the recent increase in that, and note how much we are spewing into the atmosphere,  I can't suggest Occam's razor strongly enough at this point,  Actually Beagles seems more progressive on this issue than the current EPA chief.

Seems like I remember a lot more snow on the ground when I was a lad, and I believe we made several high temp records in the mid 50s, then there were those big three winters on the cusp of the eighties, then there was that long string of gutless winters stretching from 1987 when I returned to Chicago until those heady polar vortexes of 2016.  Every place I've ever lived I've heard, "If you don't like the weather here stick around, it'll change," and for as long as I can remember I've heard the phrase "isn't this crazy weather we have been having lately?" all year long.  Even though it has never been our experience we somehow expect the temps to rise and fall moderately in tune with the seasons and it never has, but for some reason we are always surprised when it doesn't.  Well it gives us something to talk about huh?

I had the farm set, and I had a cavalry fort, and a knight's castle, and some air force thing, and a space fort, and probably some I don't remember.  They were basically some kind of kind of metal building, maybe a plastic fence and a bunch of plastic figurines.  My armies always included some knights some spacemen, some frontier guys, but no cows that I remember.  It was all good though.  I remember once I set up this elaborate battle scenario in the folds of my unmade bed, went out to the kitchen to eat a bowl of Cheerios and came back and Mom had made my bed!  Geez Louise, couldn't she have waited until the big time army men critics came by and photographed my masterpiece?

I think GI Joe was sneaking into Barbie's Ken's back door.  Well you could take that two ways, both probably accurate.

I don't recall my sisters ever taking up the baton, but you know there was this guy, I don't think my high school had one, but my college did, who wore this tall hat and this fruity uniform with a lot of buttons who would toss a baton high up in the air and catch it in front of the band.  I always assumed that he got a lot of chicks.

Why would Old Dog want to cut down on his news inputs?  It's a great show.  It's a little slow now now that they have Dump under wraps after that Obama wires tapppping thing, but I don't  think you can keep the great beast under wraps for very long.  There is that health care thing but it's kind of complicated with a cast of characters, kind of takes a scholar to follow it, unlike Dump who can be followed by any idiot.

Now they are yapping about that March madness thing.  This will go on for awhile with real news being interrupted by some ball going through a hoop and America holding its breath.  I plan to avoid this like I did the Academy Awards and the Superbowl.  Wake me up when there is a development in the Nicki Minaj fake backside front.

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