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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

the polecat-ferret is rounding third

I read that story years ago, pretty good story.  Mostly I liked the poem about Sredni Vashtar.  See there's a metaphor.  The kid is stuck in this nanny state where he thinks he is over regulated and his guardian thinks she knows more than him and he is fed up with this shit, so he unleashes Sredni Vashtar, much as his country cousins pulled the lever for Dump.

After twenty-four hours I don't totally remember what I typed the morning before.  Oh here it is, I was referring to Sredni in reference to the FC.  Well  polecat-ferrets they are, but in relation to Dump they are establishment, they have sort of an ideology, mainly they don't believe in compromising and they would rather be right than president.  Not that any of them would ever be president (but that is what I said about Dump isn't it?).  Now that I think about it they are more like the stoics.  It won't bother them if the country goes down in flames as long as their voting record is pristine.;

I think socialized medicine was mostly a pejorative term invented by its enemies.  Well when was socialism ever a popular thing in these United States (briefly around the turn of the century, but outside of giving us the eight hour day and some martyrs it pretty much went down in flames)?  Nowadays they add a European style to it, to make it European style socialized medicine, what decent American would go for something like that?

Now that I think about it Beagles would go for that.  Not with the name, but with everybody getting care free except for having to pay their taxes.  Well you know it is common speak to refer to the previous health care system as a mess, and to Obamacare, and to Trumpcare.  Now there are rumors of a Trumpcare 2.0 which sounds like vaporware,but even so it will be a mess.  When will the American people look around at all the dough the insurance companies are hoovering (for the Economist readers among us) out of health care and think hey, maybe we can toss them into the dustbin?

Romneycare was Massachusetts, though it's easy to confuse the state with the Connecticut, they are both tucked into that squinched up part of the country, but Massachusetts is harder to spell (though that second c in Connecticut (Who calls it Connect -icut?) is tricky), and Massachusetts has a baseball team.

Not that Beagles watches a lot of baseball.  Non sports fans say why do you want to waste two or three hours watching a game when you can just see the results on the evening news?  But the thing about baseball (and other sports too, but none of them are as contemplative as baseball) is that you are watching it in real time, you are watching the wave of quantum physics collapse into the point. Nobody knows if the batter is going to swing, if that high hard grounder headed for the glove of the shortstop and hence to the gloves of the second and first basemen for the game ending double play, or if it might hit that innocent little clod of dirt and skip under the shortstop's glove and into the outfield while the weak hitting utility infielder who had somehow advanced to third scurries home inducing a panicked throw from the outfield that goes over the catcher's head allowing the guy on second to dance home with the winning run and the home team wins and the crowd goes wild.

It was almost like that watching CNN Monday night, this was happening, then that.  And as an old guy I sometimes get confused by long and rambling stories and I worry that maybe it is my weakening mind so I was pleased to hear the pundits, as one, reveal that Nunes's (can I call him Devin (sounds like a made up Hollywood name doesn't it?)) story didn't make any sense.

And even as I am writing this that woman in England is signing the papers that begin to set that merry old country adrift from Europe.  That dark and rolling sea,  Those unwashed masses amenable to reason no more.  Or maybe they were never amenable to reason they only went along with what we said because they thought maybe we knew what we were doing, but now they don't think that way anymore and are going to unleash their polecat-ferret on us smart folks.

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