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Friday, March 10, 2017

Betsy Wetsy?

I don't know nothing about no dolls and I don't know nothing about hopscotch or jumping rope. Don't know and I'm proud of it.  Girls.  How about that Betsy Wetsy doll?  If that didn't prove that girls were nuts I don't know what would.  I suppose they were disappointed it was only water.  Girls.

GI Joe was after my time, but I'm pretty sure that if he had come out in my time I would have seen him for what he was: a doll.  We did have little green soldiers.  We called them army men though, never soldiers, which in retrospect sounds a bit odd.  I wonder if that was a 56th and Homan thing or if you guys called them that too.  There was the guy standing up with the rifle, the guy with the pistol who was in sort of a crouch like he was surprised to see somebody to shoot, there was the guy on his knee shooting the machine gun and the guy lying on his stomach shooting one.  It seems like every couple years they would change them around a little, different poses, maybe a slightly different size, a different shade of green.

I read about all the power out in Michigan.  Strange that none of them said what part of Michigan, just Michigan.  Well just between me and you Old Dog, I don't know why anybody would want to live on that side of Lake Michigan where the winds can pick up that cold wet air and slap you silly with it.  And that thumbs up thing, it's like Michigan is just daring Old Man Winter to bring it on.  And of course there is that hat on top of the hat thing that is just begging for a big fat snowball.

We did have some big windstorms I think it was last week, so dangerous that they ran the local news right into and over the national news so that the weather girl could tell us every five minutes to get down in our basements.  Thanks a lot, I said.  I guess the next best thing would be to go into the bathtub and pull one of my futons over my head but somehow I don't think that would do me much good when the tower goes into the river.

No politics today?  Well I guess I run it into the ground.  I can't help myself.  I used to watch the murder channel before turning in and then I started peeking at CNN and FOX, and now I pretty much just watch CNN straight through.  I'm surprised that nobody has yet leaked that Comey said there was no wires tappping of Dump.  I guess the reps don't want to say boo and the dems are waiting for the right time.  There is that very strange computer thing that nobody at the time of this writing knows what to make of.  Then there is the war on Obamacare which takes the spotlight off Dump which you know he can't stand, so he has decided to step in;  In the morning he backed Ryan and in the evening he had dinner with Cruz and backed the freedom caucus, and he got pretty good coverage both times so I expect we can expect more of this behavior, which will keep Ken glued to CNN and their magnificent panels.  There will always time for murder when we are all safely ensconced in that proverbial handbasket.

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