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Monday, February 5, 2018

what about that moral dessert?

True enough about the language Beagles, not quite about  the morality in that sometimes people reject the mores around them, but nobody rejects the language around them because then who would they speak to?  But the other part of my belief is that since our morality is from our genes all cultures share a similar core morality, you know generosity, loyalty, honesty, that kind of stuff.  If you read the stories of the various cultures their big heroes all have those virtues.

But Beagles threw me for a loop when he brought up women. There seems to be a lot of difference in the way the various cultures treat their women.  I am putting that into the concept of other.   The way people generally behave is they treat their inner circle well, but feel free to dump on the other.  The other is generally felt to be inferior and less moral than the inner circle, and I think the women abusing cultures don't think women are as good as men.

There is also a difference in the way cultures view the individual vs the crowd.  America, born of immigrants who were individualist enough to leave their country is pretty damn heavy into individual rights, and China, home to an ancient culture, tends to favor the group over the individual.  I don't know where to go with that.  I'll leave it for now.

I don't remember little Johnny.  Generally people learn by hearing people around them talk so that would be an explanation for his poor pronunciation.  There is a certain time window for learning this.  Kissinger had a brother a few years younger than Hank who spoke English very well, and that was because he came to the country while the pronunciation window was still open.  Although, prick that he was, I think Henry liked being hard to be understood.

I read that article.  Pretty good.  I recently read a book about populism at the turn of the last century (we can't just say turn of the century anymore because that would refer to the 1990s).  Back then it was conceived of as kind of leftist because a lot of wobblies were in it, but probably mostly it was because the man that they were sticking it to were those grotesque gilded plutocrats of that age.  The current day Trump populists on the other hand are sticking it to the liberal agenda, the heritage of the enlightenment, and is generally seen as pretty rightest.

Back in the old days, the tea partiers, the forerunners of Trumpism had an anti big corporations component, but they soon got taken over by plutocrats so that component has faded away.  Trump still trumpets some things that liberals like (when he appointed his new health secretary, a former bigwig in the prescription drug industry he said something like the guy will be getting to work to bring down drug prices, yeah right), but his heart isn't into it like building the wall and insulting foreigners.

I still want to talk about the moral dessert, but the week is yet young.  That last show was the season finale, but I guess they will be running reruns.  When i wad googling around I kept coming across sentences like what the fork, and a forking good something, and I was thinking what the fuck, and then I remembered.  It's that shirt thing.

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