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Thursday, February 8, 2018

That's My Line!

I'm sure that I've told this story before, but we never get tired of those old classics. I must have been four or five years old when my grandfather asked me if I was good for a nickel, which I indignantly denied. Then he asked me if I was good for a dime, which I also denied. When he upped the ante to a quarter, I cried out in frustration, "No Grandpa, I'm good for nothing!" It was spontaneous the first time, but Grandpa got such a kick out of it that he insisted on repeating the ritual for some time after that. Even though we had established that I was good for nothing, he always gave me the quarter anyway. I told my mother at some point that I was becoming a little uncomfortable with the game, but she said that I should continue to go along with it because it made Grandpa happy. My mom always said that we should be nice to old people because we don't know how long they will be with us. I don't remember how long we played this game, but Grandpa died when I was 11 or 12, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't that long.

I know that sex has been studied to death, but has anybody studied why people lie about it so much? Many of the people who contributed to the Kinsey Report must have been lying through their teeth because they reported some pretty bizarre and improbable behavior. I have long suspected that a lot of people don't distinguish between fantasy and reality, it's all the same to them. I guess it's technically not a lie if they believe it, but there is such a thing as lying to yourself. I have never understood why some people seek to escape reality when I have spent most of my life doing just the opposite, but I never claimed to be normal.

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