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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

solving our problems the easy way

It's not enough to be a muslim to be an alright guy in the ISIS book.  Certainly you have to be a sunni, but you need to be more than that, you have to be of a particular fundamentalist sect, you have to be basically with them, because if you aren't then you are against them and if you are against  them you are certainly not the right kind of muslim.  Unlike Al Qaeda which was happy just piling up the body count, ISIS actually took and held land, which makes them a bit more rational as far as having a goal.  They could be compared with the crusaders, some of the slaughtering of prots was done under the crusader flag, and who can forget the glorious fourth crusade that sacked Constantinople?  I think crusaders were promised a forgiveness of their sins which is not unlike all those virgins awaiting anyone who dies in a hadj.  I don't think their minds work any differently than ours.  And what do you mean we, you gun nut scum.  (just an illustration, not an insult)

I sent a link, though I forgot to insert it as a link to make for easy clicking, so I thought Beagles would have read up on the ban on research into gun violence, before he posted, but I guess we can wait.  I see that not reading the article has not stopped him from questioning the motives of any possible study.

He does provide an interesting analogy.  If cigarettes cause cancer, instead of banning, well actually heavily taxing, cigs, why not just solve cancer?  Why regulate guns when all we have to do is solve the problem of mental illness?  Why take that long way around the mountain when all you have to do is eliminate the mountain? 

For that matter why have an investigation when it might come to a conclusion you don't like?  Why not just kill the investigation?

But wait, why not follow the words of our dear leader, and just dash into any schoolhouse when we hear shooting?  We won't need to have some loony underpaid patronage character with a gun in the school, as a matter of fact, we won't even need no stinking gun, there's a solution that will please both the pro and anti gun nuts.  Thank you dear leader and we are all awaiting your morning tweets.

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