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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hell hath no fury

How can you push a button improperly?

Ah, therein lies the rub.  Before hit the "print" button there are many other buttons to push and settings to be made.  Paper weight (in grams per square meter) must be specified, paper surface, i.e. glossy, must be specified, size of course, and a few others I have forgotten.  Even if all those parameters are correct you may inadvertently choose the wrong paper tray (source) which may have a different paper stock  Oh, there's also the option of single-sided or duplex (two sided), and if it's duplex, is it head to head or head to foor?  Maybe the document needs to be collated and stapled or finished in some other way.  Those machines have amazing capabilities and an equally amazing number of ways that things can go wrong.  I've seen more problems with the automatic document feeders than the printers themselves but I don't know if that qualifies as a paper jam.


It seems that every neighborhood had a pigeon fancier, at least back in the fifties.  There were a lot of coach houses in my area, most of which were converted to two-car garages, but a couple also included pigeon lofts.  I never understood the appeal but there have been stranger hobbies.  Many of the movies I've seen show New York City as being a hotbed of pigeon racing, with a pigeon coop on nearly every flat roof in the poorer parts of town.  I think Mike Tyson used to raise pigeons, and I'm not about to argue with him about his choice of hobbies.  Anyhow, there are a lot of signs in Chicago stating that it's illegal to feed the pigeons but that law is seldom enforced, and it's usually old folks that are dumping big bags of bird feed in the parks.  As soon as they show up the birds start flocking; they must have agreed on a specific meal time.


There's not much to say about the recent school shooting that hasn't been said before, regrettably.  One new twist that I've seen is in the Twitterverse.  There is a lady who is a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel show that is responding to tweets by the politicians when they blather their "prayers and heartfelt wishes."  She's been responding with the amounts of money they've received from the NRA.  Burn!

And slowly but surely, the Republicans are losing the female vote and this fall's elections will be a big game changer.


Although we tend to think in terms of Democrats vs. Republicans, there is another way to look at it.  I found an online test that determines where you stand on the "political compass."  There are four quadrants, split along the axes of right/left and authoritarian/libertarian.  This page will explain it a bit and provide a link to the test:

I took the test and each question has only four choices: strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree.  There is no option for the wishy-washy.  As I took the test I was thinking that the results would indicate that I was really a right wing loon, but I was wrong.  I am firmly in the "left/libertarian" quadrant, to the right of Noam Chomsky but to the left of Bernie Sanders.  You can even get a certificate, in pdf format, for later printing.  My certificate can be viewed here, but it takes a little time to load:

Probably a pointless exercise, but I thought it was a fun thing to do.

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