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Monday, February 5, 2018

Rejecting Language and Morals

People do so reject their languages. Well, maybe not the whole language, just parts of it. When a group starts spending a lot of time together, they soon begin to formulate their own dialect, but they quickly revert to their native tongue if they are separated from their group and rejoin their old subculture. I discovered this during basic training in the army. For two months we lived and worked together and our only contact with the outside world was by mail. When I came home on leave, people didn't understand half of what I was saying, but I reverted in a few days because I got tired of having to stop and explain myself. I think that's how different languages evolved in the first place, groups of people living in isolation from other groups. Later, when people started getting around more, they assimilated words from the other cultures they encountered. Probably the only pure language anymore is Latin, and that's because nobody uses it in conversational speech.

It works the same way with morals. While people seldom reject their whole moral codes, they commonly reject certain parts of them. Remember the Sexual Revolution? I think it's for the same reason that they reject parts of their language, they assimilate ideas from other groups. It's almost impossible to raise a kid nowadays in total isolation and, if you did, you'd likely be charged with child abuse. I think that's the reason the women of the Islamic world are kept isolated, more in some countries than others. The men probably think they are protecting the women for their own good, and the women probably buy it, because they don't know any better. In today's world, however, it's only a matter of time before everybody gets their consciousness raised. Once you let Pandora out of her box, you'll have a hard time stuffing her back in again.

Here's how I made those links the other day: First I select the URL, then I copy and paste it to the blog post. Then I select it from there and click on the "Link" icon up on the top of the page. A form comes up and it asks me where I want the link to take us, and I paste a copy of the link in that space. Then I click "OK". It worked this time, but that's no guarantee it will work the next time.

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