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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Out of Control

I don't think that internet content can be controlled, although they do control what people download to their own devices. Every once in a while you hear about somebody getting busted for having child pornography on their computer. I assume that they get that stuff off the internet, but I've never heard of anybody getting busted for putting something like that on the internet. I haven't heard about this lately, but some time ago, Islamic terrorists were filming beheadings and other atrocities and putting them on the internet. I brought the subject up on the site I was frequenting at the time, asking why the authorities didn't just trace those posts to their sources and arrest the perpetrators. I was told that it can't be done. Apparently there is software that can make it appear that the post came from somewhere else. They can post something in Afghanistan and make it appear to have originated in Nebraska.

Are they now randomly stopping people on the streets of Chicago and demanding to see proof of citizenship? My brother in law moved to Arizona some years ago, and he had to send back to Cheboygan to get copies of his whole family's birth certificates. He said that "every time you turn around here" somebody wants to see your birth certificate. I don't know if he meant law enforcement or just people like potential employers. I had to show mine when I signed up for Social Security and I had a hard time finding it. I was about to send back to Illinois for a copy when I remembered where I had put it years previous. When I was looking for work after the paper mill closed, I had a folder containing my resume and other stuff an employer might ask to see, including my Social Security card, which I had already replaced. The whole folder had been stuck in a drawer under some other stuff and forgotten.

I'm starting to like the idea of arming the teachers, not all of them, you would only need a few of them in each school. They should undergo some kind of training, and you might have to give them a pay raise for increased responsibility and skills, but it would be cheaper than paying full time security guards to stand around with nothing else to do.

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